Thursday, December 3, 2009

Seniors Walking Across America

Been 7 long weeks since my initial post. That Blaine 50-mile walk resulted in shin-splints which have taken that long to heal. For 7 weeks, have not walked a step. Everyday my damaged shins & feet received 30 minutes each of gentle reflexology. Yesterday, I began walking again - covered 16 miles in 2 sessions. Today, my shins are tender again...not pulled/damaged...just tender; kinda like turning out for the first day of basketball practice. Will take it easy for the next week or so to strengthen the muscles/tendons.

In the meantime, I'm nearing completion building "Sam", my travelling companion to Key West. Next blog, I will attach a photograph of Sam. Sam is my high-tech baby stroller, equipped with a 36-volt hub motor, battery pack, ac charging system, 90-watt solar panel charging system, controllers, thumb switches, etc. Also included is an auxiliary 12v battery system for lighting, GPS, inverter for AA & AAA battery charging. Have also added bicycle-style lighting fore & aft. Being completed next week is my "shelter", an integral part of Sam which can be set up in a 4 x 8ft space in less than 5 minutes. My shelter includes spaces for cooking, sitting, overhead lighting, & well as Sam snug inside. No need for a tent. Would like a name for my shelter...any suggestions?

This afternoon, I took "completed" Sam on a powered 1-mile shakedown walk. WOW...Sam is everything I planned. later....

Monday, November 23, 2009

By Way Of Introduction

32 years ago, I ran Boston Marathon...this after stopping my 20-year 3-pack-a-day smoking habit on the previous June 15. Having never run before, my first run the next day, June 16, was less than a block. By Thanksgiving, I was completing (Westchester N.Y. Road-Runners) 10K races in under 40 minutes. On April 16, I completed the Boston. Certificate reads 3 hours, 07 minutes. Passed over 6,500 runners that day. Soon thereafter, in consideration of my wife's fear that running would kill me, I quit. My wife passed away from Breast Cancer 9 years ago. It was THEN that I had my heart attack.

Now, at 75 years old, I still do not run. I do, however, WALK + / - 20 miles a day at a 4.3 mph clip. Four weeks ago, I walked from Bellingham to the Blaine Peach Arch (Canadian border below Vancouver, B.C.), a 50 mile route. Reached the Peace Arch (25 miles) exactly 5 hours 59 minutes 32 seconds...28 seconds too soon to meet my projected time. Oh, yes, I also pushed my Baby Stroller - loaded with 80# of "gear" - there and back. Used my GPS for accuracy, as I do for every walk session.

I am in training for my cross-USA walk (Peach Arch - Key West, Florida), with 8 mile morning walk to work and 10 - 15 mile evening walk back home. I will push my stroller all the way to Key West, and will do it all unaided. I plan to walk 30 miles a day.

I keep asking myself why I'm doing this and have difficulty bringing the answer into focus...probably because I know I can. So many, including my four brothers, have already left this world and I am overwhelmed that I am privileged to keep on much so that every moment has become precious...and not a single moment should be wasted.

I will try to summarize in future postings, how I arrived at this point and how my future moments will be fulfilled.