Saturday, May 31, 2014


Our day has been a long hot one...many miles through beautiful farming countryside and neat as a pin towns.

Am with Sister CAROL, but she is more tired than I, so our Together time will start tomorrow morning.  Many pics are offered without preamble or comment for the moment.

CAROL's Home for the past 7 years.

I will stay overnight in this parking lot.  Have not decided on details or a time for our visit, but intend to enjoy a few days in DeKALB before continuing our walk.

Friday, May 30, 2014


As advertised, spent the night at WALMART surrounded by Tractors in BOBTAIL configuration.

BOBTAIL = The TRUCK portion of an 18 Wheeler, but without the Trailer.

All night long one or another of those Tractor Diesel Motors was running.  I didn't really mind since I spent nearly all my first 16 years listening to Diesel Motors running...a bit comforting, in fact.

Walked North on IL 23 towards the town of LELAND for 3 hours or so. 

Ottawa WALMART is located a couple miles North of the beautiful city of OTTAWA.  I-80 vehicles pass within 1,000 feet from where we parked at WALMART.

A number of small rivers (or large CREEKS) flow alongside or under IL 23.  Homeowners have spent lots of time and money to landscape these waterways as they pass through private properties.

A huge Weeping Willow graces the front yard and rather large fish pond of the following ranch home...

IL 23:  A well designed and maintained highway following the countryside Section Lines.  Many 18 Wheelers use this portion of the highway, making it a bit unsettling when they flash I walk near the White Line, only 18 inches from the rigs.

Beautifully maintained waterway properties.

This old house and supporting out buildings and silos are replaced by a modern home not more than 300 feet on the other side of the trees.

Wheat-type grasses growing wild in the swampy waterway of the streams.

New equipment designed to take advantage of the newest technology.

Please say HELLO to WENDELL, VIET NAM VETERAN, selling POPPIES in honor of our military.

DAVID, Veteran of the KOREAN WAR held down the WALMART South Door.

GEE, surprised I am much older than either of these old War Dogs.

Between OTTAWA and DeKALB is the busy spotless clean town of LELAND.  I visited LELAND two years ago on my way to visit Sister CAROL.  Walking into the town Bank, I was immediately remembered.  Plan to spend the night in LELAND,

MADDIE's PLACE...LELAND's Tavern, Restaurant, and Meeting Place.  Spent the past 3 hours putting together this blog update, consumed a beer, TWISTED Iced Tea, Ham and Cheese on TEXAS TOAST, and Ice Water.

Reached 89 f. today, so limited my LELAND walk to around town.


Please say HELLO to JUSTIN.

JUSTIN and his girl, ELEXIS, walking home from the last day of school, stopped to chat.  ELEXIS' MOM drove up and joined in.  Suffering from ANEMIA, MOM and I had lots to talk about as I, too, have had three run ins with Anemia while walking.

I took time to stroll the LELAND CEMETERY, reading head stones from as early as 1813 and recent as 2007.

Guess it doesn't hurt to recall my own confrontations with our national enemy.  I never had to fire a shot in anger, but did duck more than a few times to assure I would still be here today.

* * * * * * * * * *

The weather man gave us a nice walking day.  Must admit I am strangely tired beyond that which is normal.

I look forward to visiting Sister Carol.  She is a tough cookie, carrying many burdens, not the least of which is PARKINSON's.  Certainly deserves my visits on foot from hither and yon.

Might reach DeKALB by tomorrow evening.  One more small town between LELAND and DeKALB, so may stretch out my approach.