Friday, March 19, 2010

Final Post-Surgery Review / HD video Plan

Today, Friday March 19, is 2 weeks since the knee surgery. Surgeon's office checked me out & says I'm good to go in 2 - 3 weeks.; i.e., now planning a April 20 departure from the Peace Arch.
Boy, am I gald...has been nearly 2 months since SAM & I have been on the road.

By the way, the "stuff" inserted into the knee cavity for the surgery is just plain ole water, probably the cause of the after surgery swelling of the lower calf. All is better now, & pan to start walking tests with SAM this weekend.

The HD video cam arrived. My movie colleague, Jon, says I got the right equipment. The plan is that I will take video, mail/ups the "cards" to Jon who will down-load them into his computer system, evaluate my input, make suggestions re ongoing video efforts and send the blank cards back to me for reuse. Long range, possible documentary(s) will be created. Short term, I will upload video & still pics for all to view & hopefully enjoy. I will also take still pics from my second camera & download directly into the blog.

Got kinda busy with my Company's workload this week - thank goodness, as business has been really lousy for nearly 2 years -, so did not get SAM's shoe brakes installed. That WILL happen tomorrow.

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