Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rebuilding SAM

SAM & ME made a supurb walk two days ago from Everett to Kirkland. After that 6 mile long hill out of Everett, was mostly down hill. SAM loved that. She climbed only one hill going up from the Bothell highway on 100th ...but, it was a doozie. SAM has a very strong motor and she literally pulled me up. Was down hill the rest of the way into Kirkland. I was VERY pleased until we got into town...then the stuff hit the fan.

But, before we get to the messy stuff, I want to make a few words about Peter. As s
SAM & ME walked down Highway 157 nearing I-405. a young man wearing a backpack walked towards us and asked..."Are you Bruce?" Yes...My name is Peter Hogg. I rode my bicycle from Mukilteo (that is about 15 miles away) and brought you lunch...handing me a plastic bag with pasta salad and an apple.

We talked. May I walk with you?...Sure....I have been following your blog & rode out to find you. I'm flattered and thankyou for lunch. I graduated from Western Washington University (in Bellingham) last year and have walked ever since all over Western Washington...That's great but why?...Looking for work...Any luck?...Not yet...Wow,that's tough; where do you sleep, how do you eat...I pack a sleeping bag and...How many of your classmates you figure are not finding a job yet...Oh, about - of my friends and acquaintances - about 35 to 40 percent cannot find jobs.

OMG, and you bring ME lunch !!!...I wanted to help your walk to Florida and...

We talked for a while more. Peter is a handsome young 22 year old desperately looking for work - and he takes his precious time & money to buy ME lunch. With Peter's permissioin, I gi ve here, his telephone number 425-879-1335. He is trained in Science and Web Development, but will be receptive to any position.

I enjoyed Peter and his lunch.

Upon arriving in Kirkland, I discovered I was on the wrong road, still miles from Dale's home. Walking through town, a city police car sneaked up behind me and blew his siren at SAM & ME and yelled to GET ON THE SIDEWALK. We stopped as two gun toting angry policemen walked one to each side of me. Sorry, I said, but SAM cannot go on sidewalks as she is a motor vehicle. Policeman #1 did not like my response and I TOLD YOU TO GET ON THE SIDEWAlk. sORRY, sir, but I cannot. As a motor vehicle, SAM is required to be on the are the third policeman - one State Patrolman and one Everett City policeman - have also ASKED us to get on the sidewalk, but when they saw SAM's motor, allowed us to continue on the highway...WE HAVE OUR OWN LAWS IN KIRKLAND - AND HAVE RECEIVED COMPLAINTS ABOUT YOU HOLDING UP TRAFFIC (we discussed an incident a few minutes back). Look, I have no desire to create any problem and have not interfered with any traffic, buy if you ask, we will move onto the sidewalk. GIVE ME YOU ID. OK, THANK YOU. As SAM & ME move onto the sidewalk...THANKYOU, BRUCE; WE HAD A CALLED IN COMPLAINT & MUST DO SOMETHING...IF YOU WERE A BICYCLE, I WOULD NOT SAY A WORD TO YOU. Bye.

The remaining 2 miles to Dale's house was up a 2 mile 6 % curvy hill. SAM again pulled me up at about 5 mph. Dale met us at the top and escorted two wornout travelers into his home with a cold beer for me and a 120 V plugin for SAM.

All in all, we had a very nice 20 mile stroll.

Today was spent finding a solution for SAM's non functioning 90 Watt solar panel - we DID - and meeting with Jon, Juan & Diane, our movie producers. More on this later...Is now 11 pm & off to listen to my pillow in a real bed.

Tomorrow SAM & ME walk through Bellevue, Renton and on to the Valley General Hospital, where my Sister, Bonnie works. She lives one street away, and I we make it that far, will stay the night. The route is quite complicated, but anyone want details, please phone us.



  1. Bruce, you are incredible. I look forward to reading your blog each day. Keep up the good work. Missed you at last night's SYC meeting. Take care and be safe. Barbee

  2. Between Peter and the cop(s), you had the real yin-yang of reaction to your Adventure, didn't you? It's a shame you have to put up with the Official Bad Vibes--I'm sure there will be MANY more experiences like that before you're done. (Kudos to you for keeping a cool head during these 'stops'.)

    On the plus side though, I'll bet there will be a lot more positive experiences as well...
