Thursday, May 13, 2010

In Forward Gear - Finally

All dressed up...SAM loaded with Her power on...Saying goodbye to Son, Ron in Federal Way...ah yeah, Federal last piddle call because non-customers cannot piddle in Federal Way.

The last 3 days have been very emotional for me. After years of ...well, lets say striving to be accepted by ones I love, a very fine (and beautiful) lady sat me down and bent my ear. She has left me VERY confused and upset. I am not accustomed to praise and real deep interest in ME and she shook me up real good. No names, but she knows. Thank you...I needed that.

The motorcycle is in bed with the security that Harley-Davidson can provide. Dave, Bellingham HD, has arranged nation-wide "home" for the Motorcycle while SAM & ME walk to her (motorcycle). In this case, from Federal Way to Vancouver, Washington...145 miles. Van/Trailer are parked at Ron's until I return on the Motorcycle. Then Van/Trailer/Motorcycle (VTM) will drive to Bend Oregon (the home of my Son, Thomas), where once again, HD will put up the motorcycle. Then drive Van/Trailer back to Vancouver where they will be parked inside HD secure lot until SAM & ME walk to Bend and I return to Vancouver to retrieve the Van/Trailer...and repeat the process all the way to Key West. I know, I know...very confusing and perhaps nonessential; however, this arrangements allows me to take along needed supplies, reconnoiter our walking route, leave supplies along the walk route, and provide security and transportation. SAM & ME will still walk every step of our odyssey.

For those wishing to follow along: Leaving Federal Way by 9:00 am; walking on Pacific Highway South to Tacoma; pick up Hwy 7 through town to Hwy 507; follow Hwy 507 for 40 miles to Centralia; take Hwy 411 (and a few smaller roads) to Longview. At Longview, we plan to cross the Columbia River to Hwy 30 in Oregon; follow Hwy 30 to and through Portland; cross the Columbia River again into Vancouver to retrieve the motorcycle and put SAM in secure storage at HD...Thank goodness for HD...what a wonderful company.

This leg should take about two weeks...time enough for me to absorb my "talking to" and pull myself back together.

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