Sunday, May 2, 2010

Knee Needs A Rest

SAM and ME took the day off today, Sunday.

My recent surgery has not healed properly and climbing the 277th hill Friday, caused serious pain which I shrouded with codeine. This evening, it is again becoming quite painful and I will return to Bellingham tomorrow by SEA-TAC Shuttle Bus. I plan to immediately see my surgeon for further evaluation , which will most likely require a few days off my feet. Then we shall see.

SAM, in the meantime, has received a thorough overhaul. Upon arriving at Ron's, her 120 Volt input simply quit on both GREEN and RED and would not take a charge. After discussing the condition with Bob Young, our Bellingham Electrician who got me started on Solar Panels many months ago, I traced the problem to a factory-supplied quick disconnect between the 120 Volt charger and the battery pack. On RED, simply cut the plug out of the system and hard wired it. Worked beautifully.

On GREEN, the same plug had come disconnected. I plugged it back together and securely locked into place with wire ties and taped it with electrical tape.. GREEN now also works beautifully. Within 2 hours, AC charger boosted both RED and GREEN to over 39 Volts. 6 hours later; i.e., this evening, both are still holding at over 39 Volts with each of the six individual batteries holding at 13 Volts.

Grandson, Thomas, had his 19th birthday this weekend. House was FULL of teenagers yesterday and family today to celebrate. Glad I was here to be a part of it.

I fully expect to continue our walk within the next week and have set my route for our next leg; i.e., to Centralia, Washington. We will leave Federal Way on Pacific Highway South through Tacoma and pick up State Highway 7 to Roy. Then, we follow Highway 507 to Centralia via Tonino and Yelm. Am told it is slightly downhill all the way.

Today I received some expert advice in the function of my new Canon HD video camera. Will be in a much better position to obtain quality footage for Jon & his film magic.

Ron and his lovely wife Leaann today created beautifully crafted business cards for SAM & ME. They should be a big help when confronted by future constables and when knocking on a homeowner' door asking permission to set up our tent in their yard. Next Post, I will include our new business card as an attachment (assuming I can figure out how !).

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