Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Axle Ordered

Chariot Carriers, Inc, the Calgary, Canada factory who originally designed and build SAM, has agreed to ship 2 new axles overnight to Portland International Airport.

They disclosed that SAM’s original axle had a hole drilled in it to receive a parking brake system. The axle snapped in two at approximately that point.. The new axles have no hole and are much stronger than the original. Chariot is also sending two pair of brake pads as spares …will surely need them coming down off the Rockies in a few weeks.

Have not received shipping confirmation, as promised. So, must wait until tomorrow morning to find out what is going on.

The Tire Company (remember the TV commercial where the old lady throws a tire through their plate glass window), where SAM’s axle broke, has agreed to store SAM & Trailer when we recommence our walk…hopefully tomorrow or Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh... those pesky little details. Just to let you know, we're keeping up with your exploits; pretty much on a daily basis.

    Your next door neighbors
