Friday, June 25, 2010

Hills & More Hills

Van, SAM, Motorcycle & Trailer all remained parked yesterday at Oard's.

I went on alone up / over / down / and back of "Stinking Water Mountain".

It was HOT. Stinking Water Mountain is 6 miles of STEEP climb out of "The Great Basin".

It undulates at the top - 4.848 feet - like big serpent humps, for a mile or so. Then it starts down on the other side, which is even steeper, for an0ther 5 miles.

Many times I wanted to turn back...but I finally reached the bottom of the other side...sat for 10 minutes to eat my peanutbutter sandwich...and started the climb back up.

It took me from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm to walk the 24 miles over & back.

Perhaps it may be kinda cheating, but I plan to drive out 24 miles this morning, park the vehicles, and repeat yesterday's process; i.e., walk East for 10 - 15 miles, then turn around and retrace my steps.

This logistic change saves 75% of previously expended gasoline, and keeps me within reasonable walking distance from more water, food and shelter.

SAM will come along today - and every day, if possible...I sure missed her (& her motor) climbing Stinking Water Mountain.

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