Tuesday, June 22, 2010

RECON to Idaho



Monica and I drove from Burns to Idaho today to do RECON for the 135 mil walk to Ontario, Oregon before crossing the Snake River into Idaho. And a good thing we did.

US 20 crosses the second half of Oregon's High Desert (Bend to Ontario). The first half was relatively flat with expanses reaching beyond 50 miles in all directions. Not so the second half. It is fraught with challenging hills - both UP and DOWN - through winding canyons.

Upon reaching the Snake, we crossed into Idaho to stop at the Visitors Center...bottom line recommendation: do NOT cross into Idaho at Ontario. Instead, head South to Adrian and points South through the Snake River Canyon to Glens Ferry; then parallel I-84 to Pocatello.

Crossing back into Oregon, we stopped at the Oregon Visitors Center. You guessed it...head South to Adrian...thence through the Snake River Canyon...etc etc etc.

It turns out the recommendations cause us to by-pass Boise and Mt. Home. Instead we pass through several small towns, historic (Lewis & Clark, Oregon Trail, etc) and the unsurpassed Snake River Canyon...remember Evil Kanival...; additionally, a number of friends and family have family & friends along this route (#78), who would love to receive a visit.

So, we drove to Vale, Oregon by way of Adrian, the Original Lewis & Clark route, so I could see the condition of the road. It is more than acceptable...so Burns/Vale/Adrian & points South and East is the route SAM & ME embark in the morning.

We have interviewed several Motor Home (Class C) owners in Burns upon return from Idaho. Four have given positive responses and we are confident an arrangement can be reached within the next week. If so, Van/Trailer/Motorcycle & SAM will turn back to Burns and restructure our logistics.

Would still welcome responses from "followers" and readers regarding the "someone" to take a SLOW driving 4 month tour of the USA to Key West with SAM & ME, Yes, SAM is a most integral part of our walk and will be my companion all the way to Key West.

Monica and I picked up a hitch hiker today...a certain "Ryan" on his way to Sheffield, Pennsylvania for a "Rainbow" get together. Now, Ryan toted a 2-handled satchel bag and a skateboard. He had no backpack. He had no map. He wasn't too sure where Sheffield, Pennsylvania was. He slept most of the way to Ontario, where we dropped him off at the truck stop with the USA map torn from the front cover of my 2010 Atlas.

He seemed excited to be already on Idaho's doorstep and asked if he could make Wyoming by tomorrow evening...yes, you sure can...get a ride on an 18-wheeler, stay on I-84 past Brigham City until it reached I-80; keep on I-80 to the Indianapolis cutoff to I-70...and viola you are on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

Ryan seemed pleased, accepted our offered cold drink. Wish I had not brought so much stuff, he says as he walked off towards the long row of parked 18-wheelers...2-strap satchel slung around his neck, skateboard under his arm.

Tomorrow, it is my turn down that same road.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Pictures again today, and as always, love what you are sharing about the people you meet and the plans you are making. Wish I could be walking along with you (at least on the flat parts when it's not raining (: )
