Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Got up early this morning in Green River, Wyoming. Checked out of the motel & drove to Exit 104 in Rock Springs, Wyoming, 14 miles away. Hitched a ride in a spanking new ultra modern Motor Home...PLUSH PLUSH...back to Green River. Did NOT take SAM as there is road construction for over 10 some places, I had to walk in the grass ...simply no room.

Returned to the Van at 12 noon...took nearly 4 hours in again intense heat.

Friend, Tom called on the cell to get my update for tonight's monthly meeting. Told Tom all is well,

Went to McDonalds for a Ceaser Salad & Chocolate Shake. Devoured both & dozed 30 minutes, ready for my afternoon walk session.

Started out I-80 and realized that all was not right. Pulled back off the freeway, parked & took stock...

I have walked since July 05 thru today, July 28. That is a full three and half weeks.

I have walked from Brian's West of Vale, Oregon

I have walked across the widest part of Idaho.

I have walked half way across Wyoming.

I have walked EVERY DAY,,,NO day off.

I have walked 30 - 45 miles EVERY day.

I have walked in temperatures over 100 degrees nearly EVERY day the past two weeks.

I have climbed to and walked at altitudes between 7,000 and 8,000 feet for the past week.

I have NOT injured myself...not even a blister.

I have had to some days walk the same ground two times as I could not hitch a ride.

I have driven the Van to support EVERY walk session.

I gave gone sometimes 48 hours between a sit-down meal.

I have cried more than a few times for those I love(ed) who are no longer here...walking along and out of nowhere, the tears start is for all of them that I do this walk.

I have met and enjoyed many wonderful folks while doing all this.

I have alluded often enough that I was trying to find my limitations...

Sitting in my parked Van...ready for today's second walk session, I realized I have found it.

I have been kind to my body. I have been careful and safe in VERY dangerous conditions. I wave to EVERY trucker, every train, and most cars...nearly all wave back (trains TOOT).

Now, I have come to realize, it is time for TIME OUT.

I have taken a room (none of which I can afford) at the ECONOLODGE at Exit 104, Rock Springs, Wyoming. Here I will stay for at least 36 hours.

My body needs a moment.

My heart (the emotional one) needs a moment.

I will be back on the road in a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bruce,i send you good tidings,stay healthyand do not over do it.i wish you well i know i would not be able do do what you are doing.I walked 1 mile today with out my kneebrace and iam in pain.By the way the cello bags i orderd arrived promptly so doing business and slaking off works for you!Take care and god bless you stay safe and healthy.Karl Seibt from Reston!
