Saturday, July 3, 2010

Walking "Plan"

Someone just commented, asking...didn't you have your walk all planned out before you began...why all this backtracking...

Regretably, when I "published" the comment, Google could not do so. I will respond here.

Originally, our "Plan" was that SAM & ME would load up SAM with supplies and away we would go, walking together, but without support. This Plan worked just fine for the first few days of our walk. We camped a few days. We were invited into homes for a few nights. We could buy supplies at just about every corner store. Our Plan looked to be working just fine.

As SAM & ME walked further away from Bellingham, we became aware of several new considerations;

Travelling close to home, we were within reach of family and friends who helped us with logistics and supplies (thank you all).

Moving thru urban areas, "camping" restrictions began to limit places SAM & ME could set up camp. At a walking pace of 4 miles an hour, in unfamiliar territory, it was becoming more difficult to find a place to stop for the night. We opted to take hotels a few times and quickly realized that the high cost was simply not possible on our limited budget.

Having a few weeks experience under our belt, we recognized that we would soon enter into areas where supplies would not be readily available. Also, our Company back in Bellingham, was still in need of regular (every couple weeks or so) admin attention, requiring my returning to Bellingham to do that chore. This required transportation. We checked out Air, Bus & Train availabilities and realized that the USA does not have a very satisfactory system. All options required finding our own way from our walk stopping points to a transportation center.

SAM needed regular maintenance attention to electrical components which kept failing...see prior blogs. Replacement parts took many days to obtain, delaying our walk.

We had to find a way to support ourselves.

We decided to bring our Van into our walk Plan. Van provided transportation back to Bellingham. Van provided means for shelter. Van provided means for supplies, such as food, water and clothing. But how to get SAM & ME walking while taking along the Van. We tried inviting folks to come join us, hoping for a partner to drive the Van and enjoy our walk. No one responded.

Using the Van as Home Base, SAM & ME would walk out 20 miles or so. SAM would be left "parked" (and unprotected from whatever) while I hitch hiked back to the Van. Not acceptable.

Enter the Motorcycle. Need a trailer to transport Motorcycle. Things are now becoming very complicated. Motorcycle provided transportation to and from SAM...and even an alternate means to return to Bellingham... The COST in $$ and time/effort to move the Van and Motorcycle quickly became unrealistic and we simply were running out of $$.

Even with all these logistic problems, SAM & ME, together with Van, Trailer & Motorcycle, were piling on the miles. We found we could walk with some ease for very long distances. SAM was performing as designed. I was avoiding injury and very much enjoying our walk.

We simply ran out of $$ and I became quite run down from moving vehicles. For every 25 miles SAM & ME walk, we must drive vehicles 100 miles in support. This became unacceptable.

We again tried to find someone to join us. No response (Peter ...remember his Apple/Salad lunch...did volunteer to come along starting in August...thankyou, Peter).

So, back to the drawing - Planning - board.

We had to come up with a way to support SAM & ME walking, support our Company in Bellingham. I seriously considered closing my Company of 30 years. It isn't really contributing any $$ to our effort and was taking lots of time/care. Simply stated, I thoroughly enjoy my clients, most of whom I know personally, and it isn't easy to throw away 30 years of effort...even for SAM & ME to walk to Key West.

So, Nephew Dale, steps up. His help will limit my need to return to Bellingham to once a month or so.

We still, however, must support SAM & ME as we enter into really empty miles between fewer and fewer towns to obtain supplies. And with Summer nearly over and Fall not far off, those 7,000 & 8,000 foot Rocky Mountain Passes we must still cross will soon have snow.

So, we gotta get a move on.

Current decision: Motorcycle is eliminated. Large trailer is replaced by a mini-enclosed trailer which will afford SAM protection and security. Van will pull SAMs mini-trailer quite easily and provide Home Base for our walk support. With no one to help drive the Van, we have decided to park the Van / Trailer...SAM & ME will walk every morning beginning at daylight for 10 miles out from the Van and return. Van will drive forward (East) 20 miles & park again during mid-day. That same evening SAM & ME will take another 10-mile walk out & return to the Van.

Van moves again 20 miles forward (East). And we repeat the process.

I.E.,; we move ONLY forward (East). SAM & ME will walk 30 - 40 miles every day with a rest period during mid-day between walks.

If someone wishes to join us to drive the Van, we can alter our plan to eliminate the "Return to Van" portion. This would allow two 20-mile walks a day...all going forward (East), which is the most efficient manner to perform this walk.

Up side: SAM & ME have proved we can do the walk just fine.

Down side: Logistics is getting in the way.

SAM & ME would welcome comments / suggestions / offers.

In the interim, SAM & ME return to Brian's on Monday, July 05. We will start walking at daylight July 06 and keep moving toward Key West.

We will complete this walk.

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