Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Drove out of Ft,\. Collins this morning in dense fog all the way to Loveland . Parked in mid-town Loveland. Then I walked all the way back to downtown Ft Collins...turned around and walked back to the Van.

Boring Boring. I already miss the Mountains.

When I got to the Van, could not find my key. I carry a spare in my water belt, but where was the primary. Fearing I lost it out of the velcro-sealed inner pocket did not make sense. So, I used the spare key only to find the Van unlocked. I ran around to the passenger side to check on my mini computer lying covered on the passenger floor...

And there was my primary key still in the door lock.

I had gone off on my walk, leaving the key in the door; not even locking it up. Everything was in place , nothing missing .

Then I noticed the gas door was open...looked inside...NO gas cap. I had done what I said I would never do...drive off after filling up last evening without putting on the gas cap and closing the door.

Wow...what was that all about !

I slept for 30 minutes, and started walking SOUTH through Loveland and on to Longmont. Came upon an Applebees & decided I was hungry. Went in, ordered a Margurita and Riblets with cole slaw. Mentioned my walk - was wearing reflecting vest & backpack - to the waitress. In seconds, two managers stood at my table...may we take pictures ...may we include you in Applebees FACEBOOK...yes, sure, go ahead..click click...and since I am a years long customer of Applebees in Bellingham, Washington, please tell them I'm doing fine and thinking of them...and so it was .

I continued out of town for a mile or so. Stopped and chatted with a roofing crew ripping the roof off a 3 story house. On my way back, bought them a half-gallon of chocolate milk, but they rejected my offer. I carried it back to the Van & put it in my ice chest.

Then drove back to the NORTH end of Longmont, found a $45.00 motel and settled in. After checking e-mail...NONE...I went back onto US-287 NORTH and walked another 10 miles, arriving back at the Motel as Ole SOL slid behind the distant Rocky Mountains.

I planned to visit with my niece, MEGAN, who lives at the old Stapleton Airport. She phoned moments ago that she was leaving town tomorrow thru next Tuesday.

So, have decided I will walk into Denver tomorrow and drive to a Motel at the new Denver International Airport & try to book a round trip seat on Delta to Seattle on Friday. Will try to book the ticket this evening.

We shall see.

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