Thursday, August 12, 2010


Spent the entire day driving to search out a By-Pass of Denver. Ended up at Denver International Airport, ready for tomorrow's flight to Seattle. Will arrive at 2:30 am in Bellingham...only a 4 mile walk home...or perhaps walk the 1/2 mile to my office and start in on that task.

Drove out of Longmont, Colorado via US 287. Turned EAST on Route 52. Continued until I reached PROSPECT VALLEY. Stopped at The Sod Turner Restaurant. Ate an interesting lunch of two 4 oz burgers and fries on a large oval platter, with everything smothered in Green Chili with melted cheese & onions. Was actually tasty.

Then turned SOUTH on Route 79 to Bennett at I-70 intersection, where I turned back toward Denver exiting at the new Denver International Airport Tower Blvd.

Route 79 continues SOUTH to Kiowa, where when walking upon my return to Denver Thursday, August 19, I will turn EAST on US 86, which meets up with my old friend US-287 which tracts SOUTH all the way to Oklahoma.

This route passes through some isolated desolate Great Plains. Some have asked me to take the back roads...OK, this is really way back. Towns are spaced 50 - 60 miles apart. Should give lots of time for reflection.

For now, intend to relax in the HOTEL, the HAMPTON INN, (maybe a swim in the indoor pool) before my 8:15 pm flight leaves Denver tomorrow. Found a good deal: Room for $155.00, including parking for the Van and Trailer for one week, and Limo to and from the Airport.

Am uneasy as to what I might find upon return to Bellingham. I have lots of Office Work waiting for me, which I will tend to on Saturday and Sunday. My yacht was sold recently, so I have only the motorcycle to keep me occupied...a nice long ride sounds pretty good. Maybe I will be allowed to trim the edges of the lawn...I always enjoy making the yard look spiffy. Then, too, I could take a Busman's Holiday and go for a walk.

Or, maybe someone will invite me for a cuppa...

In any event, I will keep Posts coming every day.

Next Thursday, August 19, I fly back to Denver, drive back to Route 52 and resume my walk.

No pic today. For now, close your eyes and go revisit that moment that made you happiest... St. Maarten, perhaps...

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