Monday, August 2, 2010


After yesterdy's stressful walk, decided to spend a third night at Motel La Bella in Rawlins. Best $40.00 value on my walk so far.

Planned to rest all day and resume walking tomorrow. A number of Orders came by phone & E-Mail...nice to conduct business as I walk.

Restlesness got the better me. Around 3 pm (l0cal) , decided to walk the 20 miles from Rawlins to WALCOTT, where US 30 leaves I-80. Lots of construction between Rawlins and Sinclair, so decided to reduce my walk to 14 miles.

Drove EAST on I-80 to the Rest Stop. Parked the Van, and walked back to Sinclair (has a hugh oil refinery) and returned to the Van. 14 miles credited.

Good thing I didn't try for 20 miles...clouded up & SOL disappeared. My upper thighs - both legs - became tired at 10 miles. By the time I reached the Van, I was really dragging.

I have definitely NOT recovered from the excitement of yesterday.

Will hop in a hot tub of water now (8 pm local), soak until the water cools, then go listen to the pillow.

Tomorrow is another day (a borrowed line from Gone With The Wind).


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