Friday, September 17, 2010


Yeah, when I was a kid, I did fly a bunch. Always dreamed of being a pilot. Was destructed when Dad asked me - in all seriousness - where I intended to pile it. Later on, I did in fact fly...and was quite good at it. Had tons of fun chasing coyotes through the sage brush and hopping over barb wire fences in the desert East of PASCO, Washington. Oh, fun fun.

Herb, my instructor and owner of the KENNEWICK airport / planes I flew, offered in 1947, to get me my pilots license for $300.00. I did not have that kind of money, so missed out. Flew for years on a student license, but never finished to fulfill my dream. Later on, flew a couple sail planes and once a twin Piper 240, making a 3-point landing in the rain and fog. Creepy on final as the Space Needle Restaurant was about level with the cockpit as we descended into Boeing Field.

But, I digress.

Yesterday, the Medical Field finally figured out how to complete my blood tests begun exactly one week ago - which they screwed up. Doctor says my body is manufacturing new red blood cells. Blood test confirmed that at count of 10.8, my red blood cells were indeed (still very low) recovering simply by eating a proper diet. Doctor says continued recovery can be achieved while walking - provided I eat properly.

So, next week, I return to the road. Perhaps I will do one more blood count test before taking off. At least, I was correct in that I self-induced the loss of red blood cells by abusing my body; i.e., leaching out needed elements by drinking excessive water in the 100 F. temperatures and NOT eating properly to replace the expelled nutrients.

I have always serviced my cars, boats, and home on a regular routine. I find it unbelievable that I allowed my body to go without service during those eight weeks of forced walks through deserts and over the Rocky Mountains. But facts are facts. I'm fortunate I turned myself in to ER when I got too fatigued to continue. Being recovered from the side of the road is NOT a desirable end to my walk...but, that is where I nearly ended up.

Returning to Denver next week, I will get my 1987 Dolphin Motor Home serviced, and resume my walk from the spot I stopped 20 miles North of Lamar, Colorado on US 287. Jodi will join me in Denver. She will see me all the way to Key West, insuring I do all the right things to stay healthy and safe. How fortunate can I get...looking forward to you, Jodi.

Before reaching Denver, I plan to attend a family reunion in CHELAN, Washington. Am excited about this opportunity, as most of the relatives are folks I either met as a very young fellow, or have never met at all. They are from my Mother's side, primarily the Tuttle family plus 5 or 6 new family names; many have been prominent in the Apple Industry of Washington State, active in building the Grand Coulee Dam (which I remember visiting when scaffolding was still hanging from it), and providing the original "Lady Of The Lake", a tourist cruise boat on Lake Chelan. Some, I understand, came West over the Oregon Trail (much of which I just walked). Doubt if they are still alive, but their stories may be.

I plan to leave my Van in Denver while completing my walk. Will return to Denver with the Mobile Home...then decide what to do with all the vehicles. Have a good idea, but it is premature to discuss at the moment. One thing is for certain...this Ole' Man is eager to get on with it...and hopefully take you along with SAM AND ME.


  1. Dear Bruce--We are behind you all the way! So glad the blood tests are coming out well. Please remember to take care of yourself.

    Barbee, Larry and Sailor, the cat.

  2. Hi Bruce - I'm so glad you are feeling so much better. You sound better! Also that you will have a companion with you. Being alone all the time is just very unnerving and debilitating. So good luck and have fun at the reunion. Sydne
