Sunday, September 12, 2010


I have found myself in the present "low-blood" condition primarily because:

I drank so much water, I washed out many essential elements from my body through sweating and peeing (one an hour or MORE) during my demanding walk over the Rockies and through the Great Plains.

I did not find appropriate or adequate food while walking the High Mountains or the Great Plains to replace the essential elements washed from my body.

i.e., body functions have been compromised. The primary organs get what "food" is available assure organ preservation. Left over, if any, goes to less priority body functions.

Since the Lamar ER event, I have been stuffing myself with food. Don't really know if I'm eating the right things, but have gained over 6 pounds in the past 10 days. The recent blood tests will, if and when they ever get completed, will answer that question.

Yesterday I visited my MD Optomotrist, Dr. Pan. She said I have some deterioration of both eyes - possibly because of poor diet. She advised me to take supplemental vitamins A, C, E, and Zinc to correct the eye deficiencies.

Last blog I wrote about PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE.

Dr. Pan's instructions are exactly what I am talking about. Why do I now, at age 75, for the first time, receive such BASIC INFORMATION about Preventive Maintenance.

And why, at age 75, do I not know which foods I should be eating to preclude loss of basic blood.


I again repeat my suggestion that all PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE of our bodies be furnished from Conception to Ashes Free of Charge. My blood and eye conditions would never have happened under such a PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE program.

We cannot all be experts in all things. We do have such experts in our Medical System. Why is this knowledge not shared with us for our full lifetime...and Free of Charge.

It is a whole lot less expensive to implement PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE instead of going through extensive and expensive TREATMENT for conditions that should/could have been avoided in the first place.

Anyone else out there have any comments or experiences to share...I will gladly consider to print them in this blog. Just maybe, we can get the message into channels where some good can be done.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bruce - I'm really sorry to hear about your physical breaking. I wondered, when you showed pictures of yummy, fattening breakfasts, about it. It seemed to me, that with the exertion of walking 20-30 miles a day, you should have been eating meat and eggs and cereal, etc. Then it didn't really sound like your other meals were good for you either, but who am I to tell you. I have always been interested in nutrition since I nearly kicked the bucket in my senior year, trying to be so svelt. Only thing that cured me, was some little kid asked Baron why he wanted to date that "skinny" girl. Snapped right out of it. Of course old age and horrible medicines changed that.
    I cant go into the learning about proper nutrition with you or we would have a huge fight. I dont want the government in my life at all. I'm not a libertarian, but darned close to it. I read all the time about nutrition etc. and if you want to turn over a new leaf, you could start to look into it on the net. Also, meat, veggies and fruit are what you need, not the carbohydrates that so many people consume. Admittedly they are yummy and satisfying, but they do not build healthy bones, blood and body - or mind. If you are eating a lot of bread and stuff, the 6 lb are not good lbs. Well, better close, I sincerely hope you get through all this well. Keep on with your blog, there are lots of us who are interested, Bruce. Till later, Sydne
