Monday, November 1, 2010


It seems a very long time to March.

My office is nearly all cleaned out. My final Company Financial Statement should be filed this week. I may have an interested party to assume my Office Lease, offering me a small space to keep and work on SAM til March.

In the meantime, I am upgrading SAM. Already, a couple improvements have been made to SAM's electronics package. I am looking into more efficient lighter weight solar panels. I have today taken delivery of two SOLID RUBBER 20" rear more flat tires...that means I can leave spare tires and tools behind, making more room for other essentials (like decent food).

I am searching for drivers for SPIA. If I do NOT find suitable drivers, I am leaning heavily to return to square one; i.e., just SAM & ME, tent, sleeping bag, and all.

Also, I am seriously considering starting again from the Peace Arch. This will mean retracing my steps of last Summer. I know a few folks who would welcome my dropping in.

Also, I MAY have found a CAUSE. The CAUSE I am considering guarantees 100% of ALL $$ goes to our chosen recipient...not one red penny goes to the Organization for overhead.
I have said if such a CAUSE is found, I will put my whole effort into supporting it. The next few days should clarify some questions I have...I feel confident we will have a CAUSE worthy of us all.

My plan is to donate to this CAUSE, $0.05 of my own funds for each mile I walk . I will invite my followers and friends to offer the sum of $0.01 (one penny) for each mile I walk. I plan to hold a lottery...each contributor to receive one "chance" for each $0.01/mile contributed. The lottery winner to chose the receipient of the $$ received for that period (day, week, or whatever time period WE decide).There will be many choices available, which can be changed weekly or even daily. Proof is furnished identifying the actual individuals, item, event, or activity receiving our $$.

I will disclose the CAUSE I have in mind when I know everything is on the UP and UP. Be assured, that it is promoted by someone we ALL know and admire, and administered 100% by volunteer CEO's from a broad selection of World Renouned Companies.

Needless to say, I am excited at this development.

In a couple days from now, SAM & ME will take to the road. We will walk daily to areas surrounding Bellingham. If a driver - or drivers - come forward to drive SPIA, I plan to take 3 - 4 night mini-walks throughout Washington, and perhaps Oregon. SPIA will become our vacation home during these mini-walks. There would be room for 3 people to be comfy in SPIA for each walk...and they need not originate or end in Bellingham...they can be on-going depending on the desire(s) of the driver(s) - SAM & ME will walk where the driver chooses. I will pay SPIA operating costs and we will split food and other costs.

I encourage participation. For that reason, I give my cell # 360-303-5493, and will privately give my e-mail to callers so plans, logistics, etc. can be worked out.

So, if you are over 21, have a valid drivers license, and looking for a few days off, please consider SAM & ME.

By the way, anyone know from whom I learned Ballroom Dancing ...way back in 1954/1955...Upon receiving my "diploma", I performed during a well known "Party" at the Mark Hopkins Hotel Ballroom in San Francisco ... my Parents and Grandparents looking on.

Now I go watch Dancing With The Stars .

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