Wednesday, November 24, 2010

SAM & ME ROUTE TO KEY WEST - November 2010

WE have selected OUR new route to Key West from the Peace Arch, Blaine, Washington. It is 4,350 miles. SAM & ME Walked and Rolled 2,400 + miles last Summer.

We will depart as soon as the weather allows. We will Walk and Roll through the Olympic Rain Forest; down the Washington-Oregon-California Pacific Coast Highway to NAPA, CALIFORNIA; South to BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA; across the MOJAVE DESERT to PHOENIX, ARIZONA; then across New Mexico-Texas-Louisiana-Mississippi-Alabama-and finally, Florida.

This Route should keep us out of the severest Winter cold & snow. By the time we reach high country in Arizona / New Mexico, Spring should be upon us.

The Google Map gives OUR primary City routing.

As SAM & ME discovered on our walk to OKLAHOMA CITY last Summer, specific routing may be modified to accommodate local restrictions / obstructions.

SAM & I will go alone. No support vehicles this time.

We welcome en route visitors.

We will take our time...20 + / - miles a day will be just fine.

We will make our primary objective to report daily walks in-depth, including many more pics and perhaps video.


Have been unable to figure how to upload the Google Map of our route...will have to wait a bit til I get it figured out.

Just received Robert's (from BRUNEAU, IDAHO) "comment"...and I don't know how to reply to it...gee, I have so much to learn - perhaps on Facebook ??? will say Hi, Robert here. You bet I remember our ride...was surprised you didn't fish longer. Did some hefty long distance walking at that time and your lift was very welcome...The day the dogs attacked me...and yes, I have covered some ground since that day. Came home to Bellingham for the Winter, but cannot stop itchy feet, so SAM & ME are about to start over again...we will bypass Idaho this time tho...sorry. Hope all is well with you. Thanks for your Comment, Robert.

Today is Thanksgiving Day. Have an evening invitation for dinner at friend's home who lives atop a very steep hill...and this morning it is snowing again in Bellingham. Today is also the day Christmas Cookies are made. As a child, us kids always helped , separating yolks from whites, mixing the batter, filling the cookie sheets, and watching they didn't burn - and got to lick the bowls. No more, is off-limits, so am denied the pleasure of helping make cookies. So is life these days.

There are so very many things I am not allowed to help with...wonder why that is ! It has become "poison" for me to even offer to help. Is it me, or is it a Gender thing that excludes pleasurable things like... "helping"...doing things together. I'm not complaining, mind you, but considerable togetherness is lost by such exclusions. Kinda like in the Sailing Ships of old...when a wedge is driven between the Quarterdeck and Forecastle - to psychologically divide Crew from Officers. For me, a relationship is like a takes "all" performing TOGETHER to safely reach destinations. There can be only one Captain, but NO ONE is excluded.

Later this morning, I plan to go to my offices (which I have been allowed to keep for the time being) where SAM is living. I have done many upgrades to SAM the past few weeks. I will take pics of Her changes and upload them. Wonder if I could add a baking oven to SAM's single-burner Butane Stove? REI has one.

Have re-initiated the Mini-Notebook with Verizon, so should be able to send out Posts from the road.

Lived in the Pacific Northwest a long time and have NEVER seen such deep Cold and lingering snow on the ground this early in the year. As said in many places..."..if you don't like the weather, stick around a couple minutes...", but this is ridiculous for Bellingham.

Sinuses are acting up in a head-splitting way. Just gotta get back on the road...strenuous exercise is the only relief from Sinus congestion I have found since Teenage days when it first started.

Happy Thanksgiving...stay safe, all.

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