Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I have repeated many times in this Blog: when a program comes along that gives all or most $$ contributions to the RECIPIENT - instead of to "OVERHEAD", I will step up and support that "Cause".

Apollo Ohno recently interviewed with CNN on what Apollo said was ..."the future of philanthropy. People want to see how their money will affect families." Apollo was speaking about "SeeYourImpact.org".

I mulled over Apollo's comments for a few days and remembering my promise, I contacted SeeYourImpact.org.

I spoke with Shari Goetsch, Marketing Manager. She gave me a overview of SeeYourImpact.org and invited me to their Seattle offices. In the past few days, I have twice visited Shari in her offices in the Vance Building. Shari and her Husband, Josh, drove all the way to Bellingham a week ago, spending the better part of one day sharing SeeYourImpact.org as an organization and how SeniorsWalkingAcrossAmerica.blogspot.com might participate in their World-Wide programs.

Naturally, Shari and Josh both took SAM for a drive around Bellingham...to rave reviews.

A couple days ago, Shari created for "Seniors..", our "Fundraising Page". It is entitled:


I took the opportunity to make an initial contribution, which you can see by clicking on the link.

I am not at all certain I can fully justify what seeyourimpact.org is or does, but I will try...

The Home Page of SeeYourImpact.org gives in-depth information about the origins, Founding Board of Directors, and a complete listing of over 70 World-Wide programs receiving support.

First and foremost, as emphasized by Ohno during his CNN interview, EVERY CENT CONTRIBUTED TO SeeYourImpact.org. GOES DIRECTLY TO THE RECIPIENT/PROGRAM OF THE DONER'S CHOICE.

Not one single penny is diverted to "overhead".

I agreed that this is a program that "Seniors.." can and will support.

The details of how $$ donations should be made are still to be worked out. I envision commitments based upon the miles SAM & ME walk. Minimum donation to SeeYourImpact.org (SYI.org) is $5.00. On a time-phase basis to be decided upon, our donations would be made available to SYI.org for our choice of the many programs offered. Within two weeks we will receive a reply from the recipient(s), together with photographs and details of how our $$ donation was used.

If desired, a single individual may make a contribution in the name of "Seniors.." for his/her favorite project. Alternatively, We propose to set up a "receiver" for $$ contributions which would then be given over to SYI.org to be used as we select (from the available SYI.org projects).

This project would be incorporated as a regular Blog Page for "Seniors.."

As you all already know, I am a novice at this technical computer stuff. I welcome all the help/suggestions I can get. Be assured, my ONLY interest is to help others in the most effective way.

Needless to say, "Seniors.." will NOT receive any remuneration. Our interest, SAM & ME, is to Walk and Roll. If by so doing, we can bring help to others, we are already amply rewarded.

We trust you will consider SYI.org. It seems to be a worthy and deserving organization dedicated to helping others in need.

Further details will be shared in the very near future.

If you wish to join "Seniors.." or just get further information, please click on SeeYourImpact.org. Your few minutes invested will be appreciated.

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