Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The time for SAM & ME to once again walk from under the Peace Arch is close at hand.

WE are facing a serious walk just SAM & ME - or to take SPIA as support for SAM & ME.

Many folks have said that introducing "vehicles" into OUR walk took away from the romance of an old guy pushing a cart across America.

I fully agree. Many of my blogs have been self-critical of this same point.

It is also true, that because of "vehicles" I have walked many more miles just to move equipment around than if SAM & ME had gone on alone.

My current plans do NOT include SPIA...HOWEVER...

Looking out the window of my Bellingham home, there is a storm blowing through the Pacific Northwest with very high winds, incessant rain, with the promise of very cold temperatures and SNOW by Sunday, November 21.

This weather is "normal" for this Region from October through February nearly every year.

So, if SAM & ME go it alone, our walk will be a truly Extreme Physical Challenge - we will walk through the very large and wet Rain Forest surrounding the Olympic Mountains.

Just to set up our tent in high winds and pouring rain would be a major effort.

Then, there is meal preparation - a shelter of some sort must be created for cooking.

Then, there is dry clothing - SAM can carry limited changes.

Then, there is less daylight to get in reasonable miles and set-up / tear-down "camp".

Then, there is less SUN for SAM's Solar Panels to charge batteries for Her electric motor.

It all seems so daunting.

Having SPIA along would take the "extreme" out of OUR walk.

And yet, I often hear that SAM - not ME - is every one's primary interest. That part is just fine with ME because I too feel that without SAM, much of the romance / green element is gone.
I created SAM with the goal that WE would do our walk TOGETHER. Leaving SAM in her trailer last Summer (because of the extreme heat) was a difficult decision.

Last Summer, WE tried many options to complete our walk. None were acceptable, except the short period when Jodi joined us. In all truthfulness, WE cannot expect anyone to join us on a continuous basis to drive SPIA for weeks on end.

Therefore, it seems more and more certain that SAM & ME are going to go it alone.

WE have dismissed VERIZON from our support. VERIZON threw US a curve by sending an Invoice for $445.00 for "excess minutes", saying calls were not properly terminated, allowing minutes to continue to be charged. Arrogant and aloof in their handling of my complaint, I became quite angry and opted to send VERIZON on it's way. WE, therefore, have "lost" our wireless access which will not allow us to post updates until reaching a WiFi location...few and far apart when walking.

Undertaking this adventure, I wrongly assumed support would come our way by way of Sponsorship, etc. This has NOT happened. My limited funds simply do not allow much beyond basic support items.

I have discovered whatever one decides to do with their short time here on this Planet, comes with a cost. I have deliberately chosen a most difficult, exciting, and adventurous way in which to spend my Senior Years. The "cost" has been high in relationships and $$.

I miss the relationships - I have recently heard the word "intimidation" as a reason for friends backing away from SAM & ME. I am truly sad if that is so. I envisioned "togetherness" in OUR adventure. We have, however, welcomed many NEW friends along the way...thank you all, for that.

SAM & ME, will continue our walk and WE will reach Key West...and beyond.
Thank you for sticking with US.


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