Friday, February 4, 2011


Pulled a Boner this morning.

Up at 4am again…completed the Blog and was on the road at 7am for the Toyota Dealership where SPIA and I spent the night two nights ago…13 miles one way.

It was dark when I left…heavy overcast and threatened rain…we are 3 blocks from the Pacific Ocean…but decided to NOT wear my Motorcycle Rain Pants…


About 10 miles from returning to SPIA, it started to rain…not true…it started to POUR. The highway – US 101 – quickly became a flowing river…the berms inches under water…

In 5 minutes, I was soaked completely thru…and still had nearly 3 hours to walk…


Stopped AT RITE AID PHARMACY for something to help my cough, which dropped into my lungs during this morning walk.

Took time during the final hour or so to think thru the steps I must take to get out of my wet clothes, put them someplace inside SPIA kinda out of the way, and get into dry clothes. Even my shoes were filled with water…the first time that has happened.

Got “home” followed my mental plan, heated up half of Vera’s Chicken Soup, took the Rite Aid Medication – Mucinex – DM, and checked my phone and camera, both of which were soaked INSIDE my Raincoat pockets.

Phone worked fine.

CAMERA does NOT work…Put in a new battery…NOTHING

Checked my phone messages…one from Nephew, Dale…Rang him up…OH MY GOSH, Dale is driving from Bellevue, Washington (his home) to Seaside, Oregon to come walk with me for half a day.

Asked Dale to pick me up a new Camera…and hope we can get my present one refurbished.

In the meantime, I’m shivering – even in my DRY Sweat Suit. It is still raining very hard…it is now 1:00 pm (noon).

Walking for today is finished.

Gonna finish Vera’s Chicken Soup – thank you, Vera - and climb into my warm Duvets for a bit to warm up.

Later this evening, will enjoy the rest of Peggy’s Doggie Bag (Pizza) and Fran’s Muffins…along with a LARGE glass of MERLOT.

Oh, Yes…stopped in at a wee Diner for Pancakes, Eggs and Coffee. Enjoyed a rather in-depth conversation with Randy…take good care, Randy

No pics…as no camera

DAILY UPDATE: Walked 26 miles...count 13 miles

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 13 miles @ $0.02 = $0.26 for the day.

Dale should arrive around 10:00 am tomorrow. Plan to drive one vehicle to CANON BEACH, OREGON; park and walk the 10 miles BACK to Seaside, Oregon... Then, if the wind and rain kick up, it will be to our backs...much easier - and drier - that way.


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