Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Found a really nice "wide spot" along US 101 for SPIA last night...stepped out into the morning brisk fresh air to find Ole Sol sending beams of light into the Eastern Clouds...a sight I have seen in every Continent...in Every Ocean of the world...but none more welcome as this morning...

Not sure what today might bring, started by catching a running Hen...need faster film,,.using 400 at the moment

Surprised to find such a large number of Cranberry Bog Farms along US 101...some are quite beautiful, even though they are fallow at the moment.

And, another Cranberry Bog in South West Oregon

A farmhouse out of the 1930s...often think of life alone in the wilderness...one must like one-self a lot to be alone so much of the time.

Oregon answer to the State of Washington white line...designates the place and direction of under-the-highway water pipes...the "triangle" is recent...is normally just a 1-foot long line...notice, however, the color...Washington State is White...Oregon State is St. Patrick Green.

A misty early morning on US 101 South of Bandon, Oregon

Traffic was stopped in both directions to allow these articulating "mowers" to prepare US 101 for the Summer Tourist Season...quite the machine.

The "business end" chews up even 2 inch diameter trees...want to keep the operator friendly when standing this close.

Ambidextrious, say what...Today it rained. Today the Sun came out. Today I got caught out without a coat in a torrential downpour of HAIL.
First two walk sessions South on US 101 from Bandon, Oregon, were without "return" support; i.e., had to walk back to SPIA.
The new raingear combination works very well...when I have the foresight to put it on.
An interesting fence line across a small creek (out here in the West, that is a Crick). Used to keep cows in the pasture, this cross-creek fence has a "float" board which allows Salmon to swim under the fence upstream to their spawning grounds. These Oregon streams are great spawning waterways for Salmon and Steelhead (just another name for a Salmon).

Some folks farm Christmas Trees...nice advertisement. Most of their trees were, however, a big beyond the means of most folks as they averaged 20 feet tall. Some new stock might be considered.

Now...say hello to Lee and Diane. In the tiny berg of Langlios Market & Deli is the home of the World's best Hot Dog...no kidding...Lee offered me one - on the house-. It was out of this world...and I am not particularly fond of weinies in a bun. Lee gets his weiners from a Pendleton, Oregon source, which customizes weinies just for him...this is because of the LARGE volumn purchased. Sitting devouring my Hot Dot (with home made Mustard on a home made Bun), an endless stream of customers came in to this wayside village of at least 50 souls to get their Hot Dog Fix. I am sure Lee will ship you one if your phone him up at 541-348-2476...say Bruce - of SAM & ME - sent you.
Thank you, Lee and Diane for a memorable hot dog and chat...folks such as you, I do no forget.

If I had not just finished Lee's Hot Dog, might have considered an offeirng from The Greasy Spoon.

Always find these buildings with the top Facad endearing...reminds me of Tex Ritter and the White Hat Guys

No shortage of architectural memorabilia in Langlois, Oregon

For a village of 50 or so, they certainly have a superb Library.

This photograph is offered to prove that it snowed last night.
At noon today, while walking without any jacket or rain gear, was caught out in a torrential inundation of HAIL. One single lousy black streak of a cloud...and it dumped on ME.

PORT ORFORD, OREGON Port Facilities...

Port Orford, Oregon Bay, looking South toward California - only 50 miles away.

Port Orford, Oregon...US 101 running thru it. I walked the entire town from end to end, including the Port Facilities. On any one block - town is about 8 blocks long -, 3 out of 4 businesses are closed...a very sad affair.
Perhaps something is going on to support the town that I have not seen, but Port Orford, Oregon appears to be having it tough.

RAY's Market Place...by far, the most busy spot in town. Bought two bottles of Wine from Ray.
FOXHORN, fom South East Australia. 1.5 liter bottles - one Merlot and one Pinot Grigio - cost $8.00 per bottle. Have tried the Pinot Grigio and find it to be excellent. Have travelled recently in Australia and find their wines to be quite good. At $8.00 per 1.5 liter, going back tomorrow to buy many more bottles...Ray's knows not what they have ! !

Truth be said, there was not many photo opportunities on today's walk. But, that is one reason I am out here walking America...to see how folks are doing.
DAILY UPDATE: Walked 13 miles today.
SEE YOUR IMPACT: Credit 13 miles @$0.02 per mile - $0.26 for the day.
Have taken Space # 7 and a mid-town RV park...is absolutely top notch.
In the morning, will walk back North for 3 miles and return...then walk South on US 101 towards BROOKINGS, OREGON, some 20 miles away. Another 25 miles South of Brookings will being us to the California border.
I am becoming qjuite serious about inviting sponsors for my desired walk to Bejing, China by way of Marco Polo's Silk Road. Will need all the support and help I can get...but it is NOT too early to start stiring the pot.

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