Monday, March 14, 2011


I'm a sucker for pretty girls...and this is one of the prettiest click, please..

She and Daddy stand beside the "Drive thru Tree" at Leggett, California.
Hwy 271 Bridge over the Eel River. This was the beginning of our walk to Leggett two days ago.

Like I said...Please say Hello to Shiloh..yes, her name really is Shiloh In fact two Shiloh work in the same restaurant where I ate my first real Dinner...BBQ Chicken Sandwich and Chef Salad, downed with a Coors Laytonville, California, last evening.
Shiloh is a true native of Laytonville, having been born and raised right here

Mendocino Mounains...a popular place for Asian "cult" organizations.

Please say Hello to Doug of CONFUSION HILL on US 101. I have visited Confusion Hill in 1953. It is constructed on a hillside with construction such that when walking or standing, Gravity seems to do very strange things....Certainly worth a visit.

CONFUSION HILL. It is actually on Old US 101 (now called Hwy 271), at the intersection of NEW US 101 and OLD US 101. As usual, it was raining. Rained HEAVY and CONSTANTLY for three days. Today, rain held off.

LEGGETT, CALIFORNIA is actually three (3) separate business districts, many miles from each other. This one is on US 101. The "Drive Thru Tree" is on Old US 101 (now hwy 271) at the intersection of California Hwy # 1 and US 101. Hwy # 1 goes to Ft. Bragg, California.

"THE DRIVE THRU TREE", Leggett, California.

A Mini-Van being swallowed by The Drive Thru Tree.

And the big tree spit it out the other side.

A residence on US 101 near Willits, California

Another residence down the pike a bit.

This fence has seen better days. Notice the Moss covering everything. Mentioned often that the entire Pacific Coast from Canada into Northern California is one gigantic Rain Forest.

These cattle are huddled under the branches of a leafless tree trying to get some protection for the pounding rain...I had no tree to huddle under, so was drenched within 10 minutes of stepping out of SPIA.

Turkey VULTURES. Today, had another "family" of 8 of these creatures circling over my head...guess to them I looked about to give up the ghost.
Today, I climbed no less than five (5) mountains of 7 % or better, walking from Willits back to LAYTONVILLE, CALIFORNIA, a distance of 22 miles...NEVER...not even climbing the Rocky Mountains, have I climbed so much in a single day's walk.
Then I drove to Willits, parked, and walked South on US 101 - up another big hill - until running into construction which was not walkable. Walked back (4 miles) to Willits and drove to Ukiah, where SPIA is now in an RV Park for the night; i.e., we have electricity to complete this blog update.

A look at some rugged mountains US 101 and Hwy 271 pass through. Beautiful, but very difficult walking hill after hill after hill.

Come across a number of photogenic streams, like the one above...

and this one...

and then, there is this one also.

Really, the trees in the background caught my eye...then add a wee waterfall...a perfect subject.

and another...really, I did not photograph EVERY stream.

Don't forget to click click...detail is sometimes revealing.

but I did get a few

And Finally...some Wild Life...these loving Quakers tried to hide from me, but I followed them for 5 minutes to get this pic. There are actually over 500 feet away...this is at maximum Zoom.

Highway 271 and the Eel River near Leggett, California.
US 101 is in the background.

The Eel River near Leggett, California.

I am told there are Salmon and Steelhead in the Eel...but, no barbed hooks...and it is catch and release only.

The Eel River.

The Eel River...Really, I intended to capture the Mendocino Mountains...then on close inspection, noticed the Eel River W A Y down at the bottom of those Canyon Walls.
Decided to upload this pic to show how much the road climbs - then drops - then climbs some more.
Having difficulty seeing the River...Please Click is down there !

This is a Great Photograph.
The side of the road allows perhaps 10 inches to walk...there is a steep bank to the left.
Trucks come roaring up over that hill (with 2 trucks for "depth" of field), it gives some idea of the real danger of walking US 101.
In many places, there is not even this much room...I try real hard to make myself small and skinny so those 18-wheelers don't grab me as they go by.
My biggest concern is when on a curve, the trailer tires often come over that white line, leaving me no place to get out of the way. That HAS happened a number of times...I lay flat into the hill or if there is a guard rail, I straddle the guard not dare put both feet over the guard rail as it is often a drop of many hundred feet just an inch or so away.
When possible, I move to the other side of the road...but often, it is no better over there.

That is not FOG...That is solid RAIN.

On the FLAT, every passing vehicle throws up a rooster tail, which goes up the pant leg, into the shoes, and down the back of the neck. Remember last Summer ??? I compared this event to walking through a car wash going full blast.
At least here, there is a wide "berm" (bicycle lane).

A nice photograph of contrasting colors and hues...also, the highway is dropping down quickly.

A nice country highway...just the way walker's like 'em.

This was one of the 5 steep hills I walked today...have not perfected a way to capture the rise or fall of the hills...will keep working on it.

Of all things, US 101 has a Rest Stop.
I really don't need such a modern edifice...have nearly perfected piddling on the move.

The way I like trucks coming at me...lots of room for him..and for me.

Please say Hello to Martin Diaz. Martin welcomed SPIA, SAM & ME into the Ukiah, California RV Park this evening...
Martin is Hospitality Specialist for GALLO Family of Wines - Oh, Yes, we have reached Wine Country.
Martin generously offered me a bottle of GALLO Chardonay and GALLO Shiraz.
Thank you again, Martin.
OMG...forgot about LUCY...Lucy is in Martin's Arms...she has strong lungs, but no bite !

For Posterity...Might just hold on to these two bottles until that special moment arrives.

DAILY REPORT: Walked 32 miles today: Count 27 miles (ALL MOUNTAINS ! ! ! )
SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG. Credit 27 miles @ $0.02 = $0.54 for the day.
I am VERY tired this evening. Bottoms of my feet are unusually sore...but no blisters. Found a couple new muscles.
Believe I will take a pain pill before sleep to make sure I get some rest.
Tomorrow, will leave SPIA in Space # 25 and walk back North to the Construction Area - about 5 miles. Then head back South on a side next to US 101. Will take it a bit easy...must be very careful not to pull something after such a strenuous effort today.
Have decided - tentatively - to leave US 101 on California Hwy 128 at GYERSVILLE.. Hwy 128 takes us into CALISTOGA, CALIFORNIA and the Napa Valley.

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