Friday, March 18, 2011


Allen (right) and Son, Austin, Managers of CAMPOVIDA...Campovida is the 50-acre grounds of Greg's new venture with the Crew - see yesterday's Blog.

Allen (left) and Bruce (ME) in front of SPIA in Allen's new Home driveway. Allen and Austin hosted SPIA, SAM & ME for the night.
Allen drove me to CLOVERDALE, California at 7:00 am - still dark in a dense foggy morning.
Thomas suggested I walk some back roads to by-pass the "Freeway" walking Prohibitions. Instead, I boldly set off up the Forbidden Freeway back to CAMPOVIDA, 15 miles North.
I arrived at CAMPOVIDA in 3 hours 15 minutes...nearly 5 miles per hour up some challenging hills on US 101. Met by Thomas and Wife, Jill, spent the next hour discussing biking, walking, and triathlon training and injury avoidance.
Jill was Hostess today at the Tasting Room.

CAMPOVIDA Entrance...a dream come true for the entire Crew.
Wish all you guys - and gals - the very best of success.
Thank you for your hospitality and kindness during my stay. I will miss you all.

Climbing out of CLOVERDALE, California on that first BIG steep US 101 hill.
Pic looks South East. Tomorrow, will walk the hills hidden in the fog

VERY hilly country along US 101. Looking North into the lingering fog.
Fog finally lifted about 10:00 am. Walked into CAMPOVIDA under bright sunshine.

Foggy and Rainy US 101 as we skirt the Russian River.
Yes...real Russians. When the USA purchased Alaska from Russia, Russians had settlements all the way South to San Francisco...many of which are still used today.

A Ranch nestled into the hills North of Cloverdale, California, as seen from US 101.

With US 101 peaking from the "left", the Russian River is rushing around this vertical cliff of solid rock. Pic is looking South East.

The Russian River taking a rip rap bend just outside GYSERVILLE, California on Highway 128.
We will be walking Hwy 128 for the next few days all the way to NAPA, California.

click click - Welcome to GYSERVILLE, California. Hwy 128 in foreground.

Gyserville, California Vineyard.

New Condo Building in Gyserville, California

SPIA parked for the night in Gyserville, California.

Gyserville, California home.

Gyserville, California home...
Notice the Palm Trees...They are common for the next two - three months of our walk.

Orange Tree. Orange Trees will also be very common for the next few months.
Also, Lemon and Grapefruit as well as Palm Dates.

DAILY REPORT: Walked 19 miles today. Count 17 miles.
SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 17 miles @ $0.02 per mile = $0.34 for the day.
In the morning, will leave SPIA parked in Gyserville while I walk back the 3 miles toward Cloverdale, California, where I left off yesterday.
Will then start South and East on Highway 128, headed through some scenic hills and vineyards to CALISTOGA, California, 31 miles away...then continue on Hwy 128 South through the Napa Valley to NAPA, California.
The Hwy 128 walk will take the better part of one week to Napa, California.

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