Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Today was spent in total relaxation at the home of Craig and Karen. Just like Me, they were both up and about at 4:30 am...the normal life on the Ranch...and on the Road. A breakfast plate of sliced fresh fruit was waiting for me after answering Craig's knock on SPIA's door...You UP? Breakfast is ready ! I was and hungry.

Hours of idle chat and lounging inside their home and outside tinkering with SPIA.

Karen and Craig alternately had errands and the morning was gone in a flash.

Lunch of make-your-own Turkey and veggie sandwiches with Orange Juice.

And Karen offered to do the 5 miles North of WASCO (that I came up short yesterday) with me.

Craig drove us out the 5 miles and dropped us off.

The first hour was over in a flash...what a wonderful treat to walk with Karen...knowledgeable, conversant, funny, and no problem keeping our 4 mile per hour pace.

AMTRAK went by...we waved and received an open-window wave back from the Driver.
We exchanged pics for posterity.

Lilacs are in bloom in their WASCO, CALIFORNIA yard.

Two adjacent Palm Trees form their driveway entrance.

The Home of Craig and Karen, taken just before Sunset with long shadows starting to darken.

Dinner of delicate Chicken Breast on a bed of Zucchini with whipped potato and a yummy Garlic Cream Sauce brought on a beautiful Sunset as Karen's guests began to arrive for an evening of Bible Study.

We agreed I would stay a second night in their driveway and be on our way early tomorrow morning.

I will be reluctant to leave...a most difficult part of parting from new Friends.

DAILY REPORT: Karen and I walked 5 miles.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 5 miles @ $0.02 per mile = $0.10 for the day.

South on Highway 43 towards the town of SHAFTER, CALIFORNIA awaits our early morning departure. I may stop in at a Doctor in SHAFTER. Seem to have picked up an infection or bug bite at the first joint on my left hand middle finger. Since Saturday it has been swollen and quite painful and is not going away.

Then, we shall see.

We shall see.

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