Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This is where SPIA, SAM & Me spent the night out on the Mojave Desert. The sun just crested the distant hills in the East, casting my long shadow. It was a restful - if cold - night. SPIA remained parked here while I walked for three hours South on US 395...and back to SPIA. I was feeling good early in the morning...began to wear on me as the day went along. A Lone Tree in the endless Desert. Many years ago (about 40 years), this part of the Mojave Desert was quite deserted. Today, it is a bustling growing area with homes scattered across the distances and a steady stream of vehicles going North and South all day and all night. Somehow, much of the mystique of the once serene sterile Mojave Desert has been scooped up by encroaching civilization. Those distant mountains harbor a Mother Lode of minerals. A mining town is visible at the base of the hills.
This totally White stone sits at the entrance to the dirt/sand roadway leading from US 395 to the Mining Camp in the previous photograph.

Looks like chalk to me...but then, what do I know !!

A truck pulled up beside me...in halting English, the driver asked ... Can we have your photograph?

These folks are from FRESNO. California. A few days ago, Irma took some film and interviewed me while walking through BAKERSFIELD. It was aired in FRESNO on Channel 39.

These folks saw that film, recognized my walking the Mojave Desert, and stopped to ask for my photograph.

How small the World is becoming. Thank you Irma for taking time for me.

The Fresno Truck Driver...never did get his name...he said it, but I could not understand.

This pic was for the Driver's Boss...to gain some advertising for his Company.

Distant mountain peaks across the green Desert...yes, it is seldom so green...a sign of the heavy rains of recent days in Southern California.

The snow-covered peaks in the distant background are the Sierra Madre Mountains. Beyond that winter wonderland lies the vast valley of Los Angeles. The San Andreas Fault lives in those snowy peaks.

Highway US 395 seems endless...but I did walk that distance today and many times more besides.

One step at a time and soon, I arrive at that distant speck of a road.

This photograph is the beginning of the video shown on my FACEBOOK Page.

I envisioned a stream of vehicles popping up over that small hill coming right for me...and switched the Panasonic to Video in time to get some pretty scary footage.

The traffic condition is NOT unique...I have faced this kind of intimidation and closeness to potential death on nearly every roadway I have walked since beginning a year ago April 20.

I confront it by pushing it to the back of my mind. I am well aware of the danger. If one chooses to walk America's modern high speed roadways, that danger cannot be avoided.

I have argued with the various State Police that the safest roadways to walk are the FREEWAYS...they have the best designed roadways giving ample room for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. Forcing bikers and walkers off the Freeways and onto the obvious dangerous back roads of America is just plain ridiculous.

Often receive agreement from the Police...but then, they say...they don't make the rules...they just try to enforce them. In actual fact, they often turn their eye away.

Perhaps someday pedestrians will be awarded the right to use the Freeways...the most modern and safest roadways in the World.

Finally, after many hours under the hot Sun, I reached the small "City" of ADELANTO, CALIFORNIA, where we are spending the night in an RV Park.

Visions of a bright future for the City of Adelanto.

The Business Street of ADELANTO, CALIFORNIA.

DAILY REPORT: Received two rides today. Walked 26 miles...count 18 miles

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 18 miles @ $0.02 per mile = $0.36 for the day.

After climbing three mountain passes since walking East out of BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, i have walked for three more days under the hot Sun of the Mojave Desert. I have tried to maintain my normal routine of walking, but the Sun has taken something out of me.

Today, I struggled. I walked many legs both ways...no rides. Psychologically, those long endless road photographs kinda get to me after a while. I really do enjoy walking the long roads...to be required to retrace my hard earned steps to retrieve SPIA and SAM are beginning to wear me down.

Am taking shorter "legs". Try to keep each leg within one hour, but must at least double that time to cover the vast distances stretching to and beyond the Horizon.

Yesterday I walked from 6:30 am until 5:30 pm. Today, I walked from 6:30 am until 4:30 pm...simply was not able to continue.

Well, nobody forced me to do this. Again, I rationalize that some others - Cri & Jim for example - would love to have the chance to attack this challenge...so, I will continue to do it for them and for myself. Have a feeling much greater challenges await me around some unknown curve up ahead.

Tomorrow more South on US 395 to VICTORSVILLE, CALIFORNIA, only about 10 miles away. Then hang a left to cross the limitless expanses to and beyond Twentynine Palms and on to PHOENIX, ARIZONA.

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