Sunday, April 17, 2011


It is now 7:00 pm, the next day. Yesterday, awoke to this stunning sunrise from JOHNSON VALLEY Community, some 25 miles North of YUCCA VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Highway 18...locals insist on calling this highway "OLD WOMAN". As Kram suggested, it became more rocky the closer we walked to YUCCA VALLEY.
The one-room cabins are found all along Highway 18...and today, along Highway 62 ...29 Palms Highway.

A modern highway, but Old Woman was dangerous and difficult to walk. that sand on the roadside berm is so soft, a step sinks 2 inches. One simply cannot walk there. The strip of macadam outside the white line is only 6 inches wide.

Many times vehicles intentionally brushed against me, forcing me off into the sand. The roadway is about 12 feet wide...plenty of room to pass safely, but these drivers are very "pushy". Arriving in YUCCA VALLEY, I had one pickup driver stop me at a gas station - I was walking - complaining that I nearly caused several accidents...perhaps so; they aggressiveness of the drivers certainly lends itself to potential accidents.

I simply stay on my side of the white line...they must stay on their side.

Coming down into YUCCA VALLEY, the large rocks are solid. The hill is VERY steep...and no place for bikers or walkers to get out of the way.

This is a MAJOR Wash. A storm many miles away in the St. Bernardine Mountains can cause flash floods in that valley...strong enough to wash entire trucks away. That descent into the valley is extraordinarily steep...I would guess at least 45 degrees...and I climbed it twice.

Looking from below, the homes on the rock studded slopes leading down into YUCCA VALLEY, seem to hand on the edges...which they do.

And, this bush of orange-red flowers stood along side the steep road.

A closer look at a home hanging on the edge of the ridge of rocks.

About half way down the hill, a snow covered mountain revealed itself. It stands in the San Bernardine Mountains, which form the Eastern boundary of the LOS ANGELES basin.

A shop in JOSHUA TREE - YUCCA VALLEY and JOSHUA TREE are twin cities, only about 3 miles apart. YUCCA VALLEY has many major Malls. JOSHUA TREE has none.

Emily, the young lady running this shop, allowed SPIA to park all day and last nght...thank you Emily.

Highway 62 - 29 Palms Highway - coming into JOSHUA TREE (the town), from the West.

A cactus in downtown JOSHUA TREE, CALIFORNIA.

Please say HELLO to Sheri. Simply walking town the street with her Parasol, I started the conversation...May I take a picture of you?...Yes...and the rest of the Afternoon / Evening was taken up by immersion into another culture.

Arriving at SPIA in her spiffy new VW with Ryan and DB in tow, I was introduced to an evening of emerging music talents - The "KITTENS" are very good - they played WHISPERING HORSES written by Sheri and Produced by DB will shortly be followed by a full album. Taken far into the nighttime Mojave Desert, I was introduced to a Light and Sound Concert...miles away from the nearest neighbor...even the lights of the city were not visible under the Near-Full Moon. Without discussion, the trio escorted me back to SPIA and vanished into the night. After 40 miles or so walking today from JOHNSON VALLEY COMMUNITY to JOSHUA TREE, CALIFORNIA...and another 6 hours of total immersion into a new experience,

I was immediately asleep. Had idea last night to hang around JOSHUA TREE another day...but, the long road ahead is waiting.,..have repeated often in this is difficult to leave new friends, ... if it is intended I remain, it will be... in the mean time,

Thank you Sheri for your kindness to this Old Man. Much love...Much success. More to today's Blog when I recover....

YESTERDAY ( - 04/16/11 -) UPDATE: Walked 40 miles...count 30 miles.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 30 miles @ $0.02 per mile = $0.60 for the day.

I did receive one ride of about 2 miles from Cary and Patti at the end of my early morning walk. Sorry, I have no photograph...but thank you very much for turning back for me...especially since you were pulling a long horse trailer.

Today, April 17, 2011, walked from JOSHUA TREE, where we parked last night to the City Limits of TWENTY NINE PALMS, CALIFORNIA, for a total first leg of the day of 20 miles.

Made three more legs during the day, ending about 15 miles East of 29 PALMS on Highway 62.

Received one short ride of 2 miles today. Total for the day: 40 miles: count 30 miles.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 30 miles @ $0.02 per mile = R0.60 for the day.

A SPECIAL NOTE: The road ahead (Highway 62) has NO facilities for 100 miles...that means I must conserve gasoline and water as it could take me up to 5 days to walk that 100 miles.

That MAY mean very short - or none at all - Blog updates until I can find electricity to power the mini-computer.

1 comment:

  1. Just saw the special about your project on the Documentary Channel (cable television.) It is nearly a year since you started and I have only just now learned of your trip. I suppose that is because when you started I lived in Sitka, Alaska and didn't move to Ellensburg, WA until last August.

    I am 63 yrs old and have been section hiking the Pacific Crest Trail now for several years. Your blog is similar to records posted by through-hikers on the cross county trails (Pacific Crest, Appalachian and Continental Divide.)

    I look forward to following your trek (even though I am a year late.

    Sterling Barlow
    Ellensburg, WA
