Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Please say HELLO to9 John, riding his bike from Seattle (Ballard) to DALLAS then MINNISOTA for a family reunion.

Have NO battery left in the Mini, so must make this short.

Sand Berm on Highway 62 is NOT to be driven or walked upon ...It is VERY solft.. leaves little room for me to walk...had a number of close calls today...the drivers on Hwy 62 are VSERY aggressive and simply do not want me walking on THEIR road...I was brushed off the road a number of times and "Honked" at a number of times too.

I ask...where am I to walk...the roadway is large enough for all...some folks simply have a built-in anger and take it out on the walker.

A new (for me) Desert Bloom.

White Sand, Sagebrush, Grease wood, and rocky mountains...and HEAT.

Walked this stretch (about 16 miles) in three legs...steep, hot, and angry motorists.

Steve gave me a ride along this stretch of roadway...Thank you Steve.

Also received a ride from Garrett...on his way to visit his Ill Son...give your Son my best wishes, Garrett.

DAILY REPORT: Later...battery is gone.

It is tomorrow: DAILY REPORT for 04/19/11: Walked 40 miles...count 25 miles.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 25 miles @ $0.02 per mile = $0.50 for the day.

Parked SPIA on a wide spot on Hwy 62...trucks blasting by all night...beautiful vast vista of sand, sage, distant mountains, and a rather large dry lake. Considerable road work being done on Hwy 62 at the moment. Must walk thru the construction area in the morning.

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