Thursday, April 21, 2011


SPIA, SAM & ME have been on the road since January 13, 2011.

We have covered about 1,700 miles from the Peace Arch to Colorado Desert...about 25 miles from the Colorado River at PARKER, CALIFORNIA.

To reach this desolate sagebrush and sand desert, I have walked most of it DOUBLE: i.e., to return to retrieve SPIA after a 5 - 10 mile walk, I must retrace my steps - unless I receive a ride from a passing motorist. In actual practice, a ride comes along perhaps one in five walks.

Therefore, I have actually walked approximately 2,500 miles to reach this same spot.

Realizing that the distance across the United States is 3,000 miles, it makes me wonder at the wisdom of what I have done.

I have shared on this blog the many instances of real danger from passing motorists...especially 18-wheeler trucks rounding tight curves.

At my grand old age, perhaps that would not be such a great loss...however, I have set upon a mission to walk from the Peace Arch to Key West...that does not mean I must walk it twice, exposing myself to unnecessary risks.

In addition, I am making this quest on very limited $$. Taking twice as long also consumes nearly twice as much $$.

But also important is SAM. I have been looking forward to the wide open spaces of the desert for SAM to be allowed onto the roadways. Much to my displeasure, these roads are not wide enough for SAM to safely travel...and the soft sand berm does not allow SAM to roll there either.

So, today, I have come to the conclusion that:

I WILL no longer walk double. If I must retrace my steps to recover SPIA, so be it, but that extra distance will be credited toward moving forward to Key West.

I WILL put SAM into action and onto the highways immediately; i.e., SAM will begin her own trek to Key West starting today...Yes, at some considerable risk...treat it as the trade-off from not walking double.

We still have some 3,000 miles to reach Key West (much more than the 3,000 mentioned above because of our round-about route).

I trust I will not be criticized too severely or perhaps dismissed as a "non-performer" because of my decisions.

If that happens, so be it. But, I intend to live to complete the tale...too many times I have had to literally jump for my decision merely evens the playing board a bit in favor of my survival.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Bruce, I am sorry we didn't give you a ride to further your journey. Best of luck, and we think and follow you daily.
    Mike @ AV Glass
