Thursday, April 28, 2011


Yesterday morning, I was greeted by this spectacular sunrise. SPIA, SAM & ME drove around PHOENIX for over one hour to find a place to stay for the night...finally drove back into the Western Desert.

In the morning, drove back to Buckeye Highway in town and walked the final 10 miles to the end...where it stopped because of the International Airport.

Finally, reached Nephew Dan...I wrote down the wrong Cell #...Nephew Dale back in BELLEVUE corrected me and I contacted Dan immediately. We met at 2:30 pm, after I finally put more $$ on my Cell Phone, and planned the rest of my walk through PHOENIX for tomorrow (04/28/11), which will be East on Baseline Road.

Then I followed Dan to his home located in SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA, a PHOENIX suburb.

Welcome to the magnificent home of Nephew Dan, his lovely Wife, Lisa and their two adorable children, Amanda and Michael.

Dan and Lisa.

Amanda and Me...Amanda showed me how to put together a puzzle...

Dan and Lisa starting dinner in their kitchen.

While I scrubbed 2 weeks worth of road grime off before touching anyone.

Dan said I could soak in the tub...I really love to soak in a tub of HOT water...maybe next time.

Cactus is the highlight of the garden.

Not a blade of grass to be found.

Amanda and Michael working on a puzzle in what will become MY room in a couple hours.

All clean, Michael becomes my quick Friend.

Dan holding the giggling Amanda...Michael not yet quite certain about this new guy.

Dan says the pool is not warm enough yet...only 78 degrees, so no swimming...RATS.

Some kinda view, huh ?...and just FULL of rattlesnakes.

The West Wing as viewed from the Swimming Pool.

The East Wing - MY room is on the far right corner - as viewed from the Swimming Pool.

That fence is to protect the Swimming Pool from Amanda and Michael.

Dan, Lisa, Amanda and Michael ... backdrop is to the East...where the Sun rises.

The Back Yard looking from the Veranda of the West Wing.

Now, who could ever get bored with this view !

Swimming Pool is in the foreground.

My visit was only for a few of those few hours that will last a life-time.

The little guy running down Lagoon Point and all growed up...and what a Man you have become, Dan...We always called you "DAN THE MAN" listened !!

As I arrived, Lisa took me out to the driveway to point out where the Rattle Snake was lying yesterday...right at the base of this Bottle Cactus, not 50 feet from the front door...Amanda and Michael got to see it up close...just in case...

Following Dan down the street in His town of SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA.

He took a right on I-101. I took a left.

The entry to a "Luxury" Apartment Complex way on the other side of PHOENIX from Dan's house. I walked down Baseline Road for 4 hours, until stopping in at AAA to get some new maps for out next leg...East on Highway 60...then Highway 70...then EL PASO, TEXAS.

Unless I change my mind again !

More apartments along the Baseline Road...notice most all homes are "sand" color.

This the entrance to a complex of "private" homes...on the far East side of MESA, ARIZONA.

I have seen the second river, the Salt River, running through PHOENIX..the water way is actually there, but about only 5 feet wide and hardly a trickle. What I did discover is that the entire Salt River has three dams with large reservoirs. These reservoirs feed at least two large canals; together with the Colorado River water, seems PHOENIX area has ample water...I also learned there are a number of underground "salt chambers" which have been filled with water as a reserve for the city.

Please say HELLO to Motorcycle Tim...Tim and his wife are retired and have started this "Desert Dog" business...a large Hot Dog with all the trimmings for $2.50. Patricia, Tim's wife says business has been very good...

Way to go guys.

DAILY UPDATE: Walked for 22 miles today.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 22 miles @ $0.02 per mile = $0.44 for the day.

Am parked about 5 miles East of the PHOENIX (actually outside MESA, ARIZONA) on Highway 60. In the morning will try to get in my 16 miles and see how things go.

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