As we walk further East on US 84, we start finding true Ranch Estates...beautiful homes, expansive immaculate fields, and a few cattle scattered here and there...mostly under big shady trees. In the distance are visible a couple oil wells.

WHITE is the color of the soil in these parts...except for one single hill top near the above photograph of the Ranch House. This hill top is a deep RED color and continues for about 2 miles along US 84.
Just after daybreak, I came face to face with a magnificent 4-point Buck. My camera was in my pocket, so no photograph (4-point = four horns on each side of his rack.

Expansive trimmed fields of the Ultra Rich.

Then down the road 5 miles or so is the Country Store...last thing I expected to see out here, but I stopped in...and sure enough, they served Breakfast. The way I consume calories, my large bowl of porridge does not last over a couple hours. On my long early morning walks, I often stop in a handy eatery for scrambled eggs, hash brown, toast, and Ice Tea.
It is a treat I feel my body needs when I ask it to walk 20 - plus miles every morning, day after week after month. At $9.00 per day, it is, however, taking up 1/3 of my TOTAL budget, so I must limit my "second" breakfast to 2 or 3 times a week in the future.

Please say HELLO to William. William and Donna were on duty at the Country Store when I walked in. William and I chatted for 15 minutes or so about walking...

...while Donna - please say HELLO to Donna -...while Donna whipped up an excellent plate of scrambled eggs and waffles (for a change).
Really was very good, Donna...just what I needed to get me thru the 24 miles I walked this morning.

I saw two water pumping / storage plants operated by nearby towns. Did not see such an operation anywhere to the West in Texas. Out yonder, seems everyone has their own water well.

We are finally leaving the open grass plains of Texas. When I turned off US 84 this afternoon onto Texas Highway 294, I was greeted by mile upon mile of tall green Pine Trees...most loaded with big pine cones.
Quite a change from the thousands of miles I have walked since the last trees...the Redwoods in Northern California.

Not everyone is elegantly rich. This man is remodeling this home...as are many along Highway 294.

I like the Pine Trees so much, I added a second photograph.
Please notice that Highway 294 has NO Berm...and not once was I nearly run over.

The following photographs are of WATER: Some streams. Some ponds. Some lakes.
But, everywhere nearly everyone has - or is close by - standing or running water.
A major change from the past few weeks where getting a drink for their crops is a costly exercise for many farmers.

A running Creek flowing under Highway 294.

A bubbling brook flowing through the trees and rocks of a lucky landowner.

A pond in the front yard of this home owner.

A small lake with homes around it.

A rather large pond - or smallish lake - in the front yard of this home...even has a boat dock.

A "water" plant very similar to our Cat Tail of the Pacific Northwest.

A meandering brook flowing beneath Highway 294.

Special Request: Please say HELLO to Ben Jones. I met Ben YESTERDAY, and failed to include his photograph. Ben is 56, lives on a small farm, and does a bit of this and a bit of that; i.e. small jobs for others.
From his own garden, he was offering baskets of red potato, a small basket of green string beans, and 8 jars of home-processed honey. Ben says they will not keep the 5 bee hives next year as they are too much work for the $$ they return.
Ben reminded me very much of a famous runner - F.G. ...looks you straight in the eye as he ponders what he is about to say...then says it in a deliberate clearly enunciated tone...I really wanted to give Ben a hug, but I felt he might not understand.
DAILY REPORT: Walked 24 miles this morning and another 14 this afternoon. Was given a one-way ride part of the way in the afternoon by Robert and his friend, Sharon. Thank you both for making that 180 to come back for me.
SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 38 miles @ $0.02 per mile - $0.76 for the day.
Will be making another donation to SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG. It will be for $25.00 for the month of May 2011.
SPIA, SAM & ME are parked in a "for sale" business parking lot - hope we do not get kicked out during the night - in the small town of EKHART, TEXAS. Tomorrow we will walk on Highway 294 to ALTO, TEXAS; then, turn South East on Highway 69 heading for Louisiana.
1 comment:
Beautiful pictures. It actually looks alot like Georgia there!! Glad you are off the dangerous highway, too!!
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