Tuesday, May 31, 2011


We start this evening with two Rocking Chairs. I happen to like old fashioned rocking chairs. These two are hand crafted and finished to a glossy transparency ... and all by a saw mill - which I stupidly did not take a photograph of.. I have an old rocking chair in my room at home...I miss it.

Astonished at the large number of lakes in this area of Texas. Here are a few more...

More for the critters as it is out in the north 40.

I 'specially like this photo...homes are being built around this lake.

Reflection pictures are always special for me. I have done a few really good ones...alas, they have ALL gone the way of the Wine Cellar..

Another image or two of our current road: Highway Texas 294.

No berm...but I don't care...is peaceful and I like walking here.

Please say HELLO to US 287. For old timers with my blogs, you will recall that last Summer I walked US 287 from Central Wyoming high in the Rocky Mountains, all the way into the Oklahoma Panhandle.

Today, I found US 287 again deep in the heart of Texas. Followed US 287 for about 3 miles ... like a fleeting moment of the past.

Click click>..this is a field of Oil Wells. The pumps are miniture - about 6 feet high and 6 feet long...but, there are DOZENS of them in this small clearing of about the size of two football fields.
As I walked further along Texas 294, there turned out to be at least hundreds of these miniature oil pumps. They are noisy...need lubrication, so even though the forest of trees block them from view, you can hear them grinding away.

This miniature oil pump is sitting directly on a cemetery. A couple hours later, I returned to SPIA by walking by here again...there was a funeral in progress...the pump cranking away with total indifference.

An up close view of the simplicity of these pumps. Somebody is making a bundle of $$ with this oil field.

The white soil is now behind us. All the local soil is now a deep red...beyond rust...really red.

These two roosters were feeding along side the highway. I walked right up to them...then simply cluck cluck-ed at me and kept on eating the seeds off wheat-like grass. Not the least bit anxious or afraid of me.

This fellow was a bit smaller that his buddy, but he looked fierce, ready to take on all comers..

A gorgeous lady
Every town and even the countryside is full of churches...the Highway has a sign "CHURCH" when approaching one. This sign is at the entrance of the town of ALTO, TEXAS, where we walked this afternoon. We have now reached US 69.

A home entering ALTO, TEXAS.

One of a few rather elegant Estate type homes upon entering ALTO, TEXAS.

ALTO, TEXAS main street. US 69 crosses at the "T" at the end of the street.

Was hot today & humid. Must admit, enjoyed a BLIZZARD and ice water before starting my walk back to SPIA>

DAILY REPORT: "Walked 22 miles this morning. Added another 10 miles this afternoon.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 34 miles @ $0.02 per mile = $0.68 for the day.

We are parked on Texas 294 a couple miles before reaching ALTO, TEXAS...a nice shady spot.
In the morning, will drive into ALTO, park SPIA, and begin the long walk out of Texas and into Louisiana.


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