Friday, June 3, 2011


SPIA was safe in her RV Space, so at daybreak (0430 am BELLINGHAM Time), I walked South East on Texas Hwy 63 towards JASPER, TEXAS, and back to SPIA, taking 4 hours and covering 16 miles. Then drove SPIA to JASPER, parked alongside US 190 next to a Texas State Prison. Walked another 12 miles.

Then moved SPIA NEWTON, TEXAS where we again parked SPIA. Walked another 12 miles, totaling 38 miles.

We then drove to MARYSVILLE, LOUISIANA, 7 miles beyond BON WEIR, TEXAS, and 3 miles beyond the Louisiana Border. We are parked in a Truck Stop in MARYSVILLE for the night on US 190.

Hwy Texas 63 just after Sun Rise.

This little fellow flew along as I walked for over 30 minutes. He would fly forward about 200 feet, land, waiting for me to catch up...then fly another 200 feet or so. One often sees this little guy around cows in the fields...I also say lots of them in the Caribbean Islands.

These pipes are Natural Gas belonging to TENNESSEE Gas Company. They lead away from Compressor Station # 24, which tells me that to move the gas from Texas to Tennessee takes a number of "pumping" stations (Compressor Station). Those pipes are about 12 inches diameter.

For folks who do not have Pine Trees available to see, here is a close up photograph of the "leaves" of the Pine Tree. There really are NO leaves. There are thousands of 5 - 6 inch long needles, which are sharp and full of pitch. Throw a handful or a small branch of needles into a BBQ fire and it will EXPLODE into a fire ball. NEVER try to burn Pine Needles in a fireplace...the entire house will more than likely burn down.

The Boat Launch Ramp into the Angelina River next to Bob's RV Park. Next to the right hand concrete curb of this launch ramp was a dead snake about 3 feet long with a diameter of at least 4 inches. Regret I did not take a photograph to identify it, but would not wish to meet up with that critter alive.

The Angelina River. Bob said the Alligators lived just a bit further to the left of this section...a few 100 meters from his RV Park.

Bob & Lisa's RV Park and fishing camp alongside the Angelina River...photograph taken from the Bridge. SPIA can be seen second from left.

We are now on US 190 East of the town of JASPER, TEXAS. JASPER is very spread out, but does have a couple large stores (LOWES) and a DQ.

A Ranch House along side US 190 about 2 miles East of the Prison.

A private lake on property of a ranch. A police car was parked in the driveway...probably the Officer lived there.

A Manufactured Home being driven on US 190 at about 60 miles per hour...he takes to the Berm to let faster cars pass.

Driving SPIA this afternoon on US 190, a large Pickup Truck again passed me on the right side, using the Berm to get around me. These drivers are absolutely N U T S.

Ranch Homes set way back off the highway...typical of the region.

Downtown NEWTON, TEXAS. NEWTON is a small village with many older buildings.

NEWTON, TEXAS businesses.

NEWTON, TEXAS Court House.

NEWTON Water Tower. Folks around here are VERY supportive of their High School Sports. A number of local town High Schools had teams heading for the State Baseball Tournaments.

DAILY REPORT: Walked 38 miles in 3 shifts...was a bit cooler and rather comfy walking.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 38 miles @ $0.02 = $0.76 for the day.

Parked along US 190 in MARYSVILLE, LOUISIANA, will leave SPIA in the morning and walk BACK to the Texas / Louisiana border and return. Will then take Louisiana Hwy 110 to LONGVILLE, LOUISIANA, where it again meets US 190. We will then continue on US 190 toward the town of BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA.

We should skirt around the North side of Lake Pontchartrain and down the West bank of the Mississippi River next to NEW about 10 days from now.

Received a revealing comment via phone this afternoon, paraphrased: OMG, Bruce, you might just make it to Key West !

I'm beginning to understand why most of my friends/family/associates have refused to support SAM & ME. It is becoming clear that to them this craziness of mine is interesting... as is going to a Demolition Derby...waiting for the CRASH AND BURN part.

For those who do believe in SAM & ME, we thank you and trust we will make you proud of what a determined old man and his cart can do...Europe, Asia, Alaska await. This saga is just beginning.

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