Thursday, June 9, 2011


US 190 under construction.

The Bulldozer is removing one (1) inch of material on the right...precision work, following the hand signals of the Surveyor as this Beast of a Dozer does the "fine tuning".

Please say HELLO to Ken (Karole Hirschey, Owner) of Historical Woodworks, manufacturing "Architectural" Millwork in the town of PORT ALLEN, LOUISIANA, a suburb West of BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA.

SPIA, SAM & ME are parked in Ken's factory facility...and will most likely stay the night right here.

Ken is my age. Flew Super Connie during the Korean War for the U.S. Navy. a millwork artist working with his two Sons. His daughter trained for years to be a Nurse...worked 10 months at Nursing, and said...Daddy...I want to work with you !. She passed away suddenly.

Ken and I spent long hours chatting in his factory...says I can hang around as long as I like.

Ken, as did Ronnie and a couple other folks this week, insist I immediately write a book. Apparently, I have touched some nerves for these fine folks.

Ken & Family Woodworks.

An interesting name for a Tavern.

This big guy was stopped. I walked up to him and took a few photographs. One of my Brothers, Russell, was a train Engineer in Seattle for the old Northern Pacific. He used to take me on short runs in the South End Yards. Russell died from Cancer a few years ago.

I had four Brothers. Russell, Chuck, Jay, and Jim. All four are now gone. My walk is also for my Brothers whom I know would love to be our here with me.

Yes, we are in the West Suburbs of BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA. Ken has offered to help me walk through BATON ROUGE by driving me ... so SPIA can remain parked for a bit.

These are "rumble strips along US 190 as it enters BATON ROUGE. The most crazy rumble strip design possible. It shakes vehicles apart when they are trying to slow down - say, if they have a flat tire -, it jars motorcycles and bicycles to pieces, and is a made-to-order injury surface for walkers. Of these, I will say...THEY MUST BE OUTLAWED.

Rumble Strips are fine when properly designed and constructed. The above construction is NOT fine.

A Corn Field hiding behind a grove of trees.

Do not know what is this crop. It is common...will try to identify it for tomorrow's Blog.

Bit of Trivia for Civil War Buffs.

US 190 as it approaches the Mississippi River. I was led to believe that the River Bridge is only 3 miles away...I walked 6 miles one way...NO BRIDGE. Will try again tomorrow.

Approaching the "Bridge" which was not there, these storm clouds quickly gathered and pounced upon me. For 6 miles (1.5 hours) I walked through running waters, pounding rain kicking up Tulip-sized - and shape - splashes. I got drenched AND LAUGHED ALL THE WAY BACK TO SPIA...Love the Rain ! Is now 5:30 pm, 2 hours later, and still spitting rain now and then.

DAILY REPORT: Walked 14 miles this morning and 12 more this afternoon = 26 miles.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 26 miles @ $0.02 = $0.52 for the day.

Hope to stay tonight at Ken's. In the morning, will drive - or Ken will drive me - back to the Mississippi River so I can walk over the bridge, through part of BATON ROUGE, and East of Florida Avenue, the continuation of US 190 East. In 2 days, will turn South around Lake Pontchartrain.

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