Saturday, June 11, 2011


Please say HELLO to Jim and his Grand Daughter.

Jim is the Owner of Tater Tot Cafe, opened for business only 8 months. Optimistic, Jim is looking to World Travel when his Sons take over the business.

Tater Tot's Cafe, where I stopped in this morning for my "occasional" Scrambled Eggs, Hash Browns, Ham, Toast and Coffee.

Please say HELLO to MEG, who met me at the door of Tater Tot's Restaurant, helped me select from the menu, and kept my ice water cup filled...even gave me one for the road, which I forgot. When I stopped in later, Meg foisted another ice water on me...thank you, Meg.

SPIA, parked where we spent the night alongside US 190. The owner of the property next to SPIA came a-calling about 10 pm, offering a place in his yard. Was considerate, but he got me out of a deep sleep, and I declined. Apparently lots of break-ins are occurring in the neighborhood.

US 190 East of LIVINGSTON, LOUISIANA, looking towards the town of ALBANY, about 6 miles away. I walked to ALBANY and back to SPIA for my first walk of the day. Was not yet hot...and met Jim and Meg on the way back.

Another Bayou passing under a bridge over US 190.

All these Bayou streams are muddy...wonder if they clear up later??

A typical tree in the yard of a roadside home near ALBANY, LOUISIANA.

Click click to see the "Ole Swimm'n Hole Rope" hanging from an unseen tree. Looked so refreshing as it was beginning to get warm. Wonder how many readers had the pleasure of swinging on such a I did.

Another muddy Bayou.


Hammond is actually a quaint old town about three miles to the East. It has, however, spread West along US 190 to the Interstate 55 which runs South about 50 miles to NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. Tomorrow, US 190 will also turn South, parallel I-55 and finally end at the Gulf of Mexico, where US 90 takes over for the run East to MOBILE, ALABAMA.
A look at the streets of "new" HAMMOND, LOUISIANA. They are constructed;




I used the 3 inches to the left of the White Line and HELD MY GROUND to the hundreds of passing vehicles. "Got lots of fist shaking, honking of horns, and a couple vehicles swerving at me to shove me off "their" road. Was waiting for the Police to come punish me, but no such luck.
When you want one, there never is one to be found.

The Old Town HAMMOND has great streets, sidewalks, and crosswalks at each intersection.

Guess not too many folks "walk" around here. Read that this area is "home" to the "fattest" Americans...with mostly foods that are deep fried and no walking, who is surprised ! ! !

A busy intersection: NO CROSSWALKS. I crossed this intersection two times...both times, making vehicles stop for me when I had the green light and they wanted to make a right turn. Frankly, I was daring them to hit me...I could use a bit of insurance $$ income....just kidding, of course.

On my walk through "New" HAMMOND, I spotted a APPLEBY'S of my favorite for their "Riblets". On my return from Old HAMMOND, I intended to stop in for another din din I could not afford.

Instead, a few doors before Appleby's was the WESTERN INN, which professed to have the best Ribs. Why not, I thought, and walked into the delight of my day.

Please say HELLO to Judy and Carolynn. I was met by vivacious Judy and promptly seated with a tall glass of ice water, which remained filled all the while I was there. Assured of the quality and reputation of their Ribs, I ordered the full dinner plate. No sooner as my order sent to the kitchen than out RUNS equally vivacious Carolynn...I just knew it was YOU. My Husband and I watched you on the DISCOVERY Channel and I just knew you would be walking in here...
Photographs taken all around. Owner Sherrie Rogers brought out to join the merriment. Hugs all around...a couple extra hugs I wondered about ! !

I took a good long time consuming my delicious BBQ Baby Back Ribs...all the while, Carolynn hovering over my table wanting to chat...she has been to Beijing...I MUST return here...and and

Please say HELLO to Sherrie Rogers, Owner of Western Inn. Sherrie was quite entertained by the attention I received from Carolynn and Judy...but sat back in her booth with a broad smile.

Another couple were seated at a booth. I totally missed their names, but the Gentleman asked me if I wanted to take his photograph in his "Baby Back Piggy" outfit...why, of course...I did...quite a few in fact. Then Carolynn decided it would be a great idea to photograph Baby Back and ME together.

Upon leaving, I was NOT allowed to pay for anything, send on my way with God's Blessings and a promise to TRY to return. Put my VISA back, said of course I will, and floated back to SPIA parked about a mile away.

DAILY REPORT: Walked two legs: One 10 mile early on. One 12 mile later on = 22 miles

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 22 miles @ $0.09 $0.44 for the day.

Moved SPIA East of Old HAMMOND, LOUISIANA. Found a road leading off US 190 back into the woods. At the end was a broad open space - a turn around -, protected by big trees. We parked for the night. At 5 pm. came crashing thunder, lightning, heavy wind and a torrential downpour...just like yesterday. I watched the water rise to 3 inches around SPIA...then suddenly the weather front was gone and it became blissfully quiet. The water all drained away from SPIA, and we are not - 7:45 pm, finishing up our Blog and awaiting nightfall.

In the morning, will leave SPIA parked, walk out to US 190 and then East toward the town of COVINGTON, LOUISIANA, where US 190 takes a 90 degree turn South to the Gulf of Mexico.

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