Sunday, July 31, 2011


Breath-taking, huh ?

BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA is an old aristocratic town of period homes and churches.

The home above is a good selection. If it were not for the MILLIONS of No-See-'Ums (tiny biting gnats), BAINBRIDGE would be the ideal place to live.

Elegant homes lines nearly every street - then again, I only walked the main US 84 avenues.

No, not a Government Building. This is a Church.

As is this Methodist Church...gnats were eating away at my face...cut off the top.

Many Farm Implement businesses such as this John Deere outlet on US 84 West of town.

SPIA found a shady spot in the local US 84 Truck Stop. We may have to stay here two nights.

A young fellow washing a truck...reminds me of another cherished moment:

Family owned Tri-City Freightlines, PASCO, WASHINGTON from 1948 to 1953. Among other trucking duties, little Brother, Jim and I worked every morning before school and every evening after school handling freight from the P.I.E. 18-wheelers from L.A.

Also, we had a fleet of gasoline tank truck & trailer rigs belonging to P.I.E.. (Pacific Intermountain Express). It was the job of Jim and me to keep all the rigs clean. Course, the wash stand was one block away from the parking area. That is how Jim - at 10 years old - and I - at 12 years old - became quite expert at handling and driving the big rigs. Stood us well over the years as I know I - and believe Jim - never put a scratch on ANY vehicle during all the years of our driving.

Oh, yes...we received $5.00 for each truck washed. I saved many hundred dollars doing something I loved...used lot of it flying my airplanes.

A self-photo of me wearing my gnat screen.

The truck washing guy took this pic for me...there were at least 3 dozen gnats crawling on my face net when he took the photo. Without this net, I simply could NOT walk in this part of Georgia. He said, as he swatted gnats from his face...kinda get used to it over the years.

Bet one could make such a net in 15 minutes for less than a buck...and sell them at $10.00. Many asked me where I got it...from Betty Price in Oregon, I always reply...thanks Betty.

Walked 2 - 3 blocks at a time crossing BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA this afternoon. After reaching the truck stop, ventured out on US 84. Within 1 mile, my left leg stiffened up and had to return. Will give another whirl in the morning...then we shall see.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


OK, fired SPIA lottsa WATTS, so here goes.

Had a fitful night...could not stand on the gimpy leg...alas, this morning, am walking on it with nearly no pain. Just who is kidding who !

Above photograph is US 84 about 4 miles East of BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA. Now if they would just move those rumble strips a bit one way or another !!

DOLLAR GENERAL is a hardware / home business found in nearly every tiny town throughout the South.

BADCOCK Furniture is also found throughout the South.

Many nice homes in South West Georgia.

Some even nicer than nice.

and, some just plain comfy.

and, they all seem to cluster around this guy...or should it be "guys", as some villages have at least one per city block.

This photograph is for Harry...a going concern, Harry, in wholesale plants.

and, from another angle...this is a BIG operation , covering many acres.

Even have their own watering hole - actually saw two rather large lakes supplying water to all those growing plants.

Alas...another river with everywhere to go, but not enough water to get there.

Looked closely for "gators or snakes...none to be seen.

The golf course seems to have a corner on available lakes... this golf course is near BAINBRIDGE.

Cleared forested area along US 84.

A much maligned but not forgotten business place in tiny CLIMAX, GEORGIA.

CLIMAX, GEORGIA is the town where I took a tumble which ended me in ER.

Used to think play on words was kinda fun. Rethinking that.

CLIMAX, GEORGIA restaurant...which was closed, causing me to walk across the street to the Convenience Store to meet my destiny...what some folks won't do for a bit of attention.

Thought this was my ride back to SPIA...alas, his authority ended at the City Limits. Had to wait for Deputy Charlie Emanuel of Decatur County Sheriff's Office. Deputy Charlie declined my request for a photograph of him and his steed, but couldn't wait to get home to tell his family he met a real live guy walking across America.

Thanks again, Deputy Charlie for this nice / quick / ride back to SPIA.

Please look closely below the rear view mirrors...the BATTEN DISEASE Ribbon given to me by Noah as he ran the final 90 miles to JACKSONVILLE BEACH...and his destiny. Way to go Noah.


Not a good day. Temperature was 107 + F.

Waked 30 miles...then spent the rest of the day in ER at the BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA, Hospital.

Seems after completing miles 21 thru 30, I collapsed in a convenience store. EMS was called. Fearing a possible heart attack, they took me to ER.

Tests & more tests...all conducted in ER entrance hallway because I told them I had no more $$ - in fact I lied...I have $150.00 pending Mr. President sending out my Social Security Check.


Hospital released me. Sheriff drove me back to SPIA. We are parked in BAINBRIDGE for the night.

I feel great...'cept left leg won't work very taking pain pills to get around. NO WALKING FOR A COUPLE DAYS at least.

Will narrate photograph tomorrow...will have plenty of time. Right now, must get off my leg.

Nite Nite.

Friday, July 29, 2011


An exceptional home in the town of QUITMAN, GEORGIA. Early this morning, walked back toward VALDOSTA, GEORGIA 5 miles & returned to SPIA. Rested a was very hot even early in the morning.

Then, walked West on US 84 toward the town of TOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, and returned to SPIA.

QUITMAN, GEORGIA Main Street. QUITMAN has many beautiful buildings.

Many stores are closed. Many open stores are dealing in "re-runs"... second hand.

The recession has hit here also.

A work training business.

New & Used

Plantation near QUITMAN

Cotton crop.

Funeral Home...trying to challenge the Churches in presentation.


And another. By far,the most beautiful grounds and buildings in shear numbers, also the most question where the $$ goes in Southern towns.

And yet another...I did NOT photograph all Churches in town...only the ones on the main drag.

Another river with no flowing water.

And, yes,another.

Just a plain ol' Swamp.

Plantation with private lake.

And, another.

Took it easy today...walked only 30 miles. Feet are a bit sore this evening. Being soaked in ice water claimed from the ice chest.

Discovered a way to prolong ice life in these unbearable hot days...Purchased a 2-sided silver windshield shade, fold to fit the ice chest, and layer it on top of the ice...the "hot" air does not reach the ice so easily...get nearly double ice life.

Drove SPIA to town of CAIRO, GEORGIA where she is parked in HARVEY's Supermarket. No problem so far finding overnight parking in GEORGIA. Makes life much more enjoyable.

Last 3 days walked 114 miles. Getting an early - before daylight - start in the morning...going to try for 60 miles tomorrow.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


We enjoyed a pleasant night parked in JASPER,FLORIDA last night. At daybreak, drove SPIA North on US41 for 10 miles and parked in a pull-out next to a farmers field...First time I have seen the "rotary" sprinkler system in the South.

Following our current practice walked 5 miles back towards JASPER and returned to SPIA; only to walk another 5 miles North on US 41 and return to SPIA: total 20 miles by later morning.

This is a "Learning Center for all ages in the village of JENNIGS, FLORIDA.

The Post Office.

Walked a few miles North of JENNINGS, and came upon the FLORIDA - GEORGIA Border.
Walked 3 miles into Georgia and returned to SPIA.

Passed by these"woods"... forested land beside US 41 in Georgia.

Most of the area beside the road in Georgia is Marsh...better called Swamp.

Georgia Swamp...all the space under the brush and trees is covered in water.

I heard a number of loud "bellows" coming from the Swamp. I am not certain, but I believe they were Alligators sounding off.

This is Mud Creek. The water was not flowing, It was clear so as to see the actual bottom. Only the bottom was the rusty color which makes the water look black.

The JENNINGS B.O.P.E...better known as the Eagles.

We drove another 20 miles to the outskirts of the City of VALDOSTA, GEORGIA; parked SPIA at a Convenience store and continued walking...first South and then North into VALDOSTA.

Returning to SPIA, we had added another 16 miles.

We then drove to the West side of VALDOSTA, where we parked along side a church on US 84...we will follow US 84 for many days, until nearly reaching Texas.

Walked another 5 miles out and returned to SPIA...a total of 46 miles for the day.

WE then drove West on US 84 to the town of QUITMAN, GEORGIA,Stopped at the Police Station, asking where I could park for the night...just about can park right here at the station...or perhaps the big parking lot across from Hardee's.

I opted for Hardee's, where SPIA is settled down for the night.

What a complete change in attitude from the Police in Florida. Makes one wonder.

US 84 has a small problem. The entire bicycle lane - where I walk - is cut up with "rumble strips". I cannot walk on rumble strips, which puts me back onto the white stripe where vehicles buzz past within 6 inches of my right shoulder.

This house is For Sale...complete with 2 acres of timber land.

Actually, there are many beautiful homes to be seen where I have walked in Georgia. I am looking forward to sharing some of them in future blogs.

Except for moving SPIA, walk nearly continuous from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm. Yes, I am tired...but no injuries and looking forward to tomorrow.

DAILY REPORT: in 5 legs, walked 46 miles today.

Must walk back towards VALDOSTA for 10 miles in the morning to pick up the driven part of this evening...then we can walk West on US 84 towards the town of EMERSON, GEORGIA.