Friday, July 29, 2011


An exceptional home in the town of QUITMAN, GEORGIA. Early this morning, walked back toward VALDOSTA, GEORGIA 5 miles & returned to SPIA. Rested a was very hot even early in the morning.

Then, walked West on US 84 toward the town of TOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, and returned to SPIA.

QUITMAN, GEORGIA Main Street. QUITMAN has many beautiful buildings.

Many stores are closed. Many open stores are dealing in "re-runs"... second hand.

The recession has hit here also.

A work training business.

New & Used

Plantation near QUITMAN

Cotton crop.

Funeral Home...trying to challenge the Churches in presentation.


And another. By far,the most beautiful grounds and buildings in shear numbers, also the most question where the $$ goes in Southern towns.

And yet another...I did NOT photograph all Churches in town...only the ones on the main drag.

Another river with no flowing water.

And, yes,another.

Just a plain ol' Swamp.

Plantation with private lake.

And, another.

Took it easy today...walked only 30 miles. Feet are a bit sore this evening. Being soaked in ice water claimed from the ice chest.

Discovered a way to prolong ice life in these unbearable hot days...Purchased a 2-sided silver windshield shade, fold to fit the ice chest, and layer it on top of the ice...the "hot" air does not reach the ice so easily...get nearly double ice life.

Drove SPIA to town of CAIRO, GEORGIA where she is parked in HARVEY's Supermarket. No problem so far finding overnight parking in GEORGIA. Makes life much more enjoyable.

Last 3 days walked 114 miles. Getting an early - before daylight - start in the morning...going to try for 60 miles tomorrow.


  1. Bruce--Larry and I are in total amazement that you have finished your walk to Key West. We were there to see you off at Peace Arch and wish we could have been there at Key West. You are incredible.
    Love, Barbee

  2. Loved this post - you were only about 30 miles from my hometown of Moultrie when you were in Thomasville & valdosta! So many lovely plantations & historic homes down there. We only get down there a few times a year now to see my Nana and other family.

    The gnats are awful - my kids don't like visiting SW Ga in the spring & summer because of them. Rest up and let your leg heal - you deserve a little downtime!!


    PS ~ Love the tip about the ice chest - what a great idea! I'll have to try that with my insulated freezer bag & my windshield shade ~ the frozen stuff always starts thawing before we get home from grocery shopping.
