Friday, July 1, 2011


A everyday sight with me in one form or another: Animals that did not make it back home.

This is a small deer, unique in that the skeleton lies in near perfect form where it took it's final breath. Deer are by far the most decimated - by - vehicle on America's roads. Down here in the deep south, the Armadillo is # 1. I saw at least 10 run-over Armadillo just today.

A sure sign we are nearing a population center...organized housing

Signs in Florida say: NO PARKING ON RIGHT OF WAY. A week ago I telephoned the State Patrol asking what is the definition of the Right Of Way...they did not know ! , but said if SPIA parked 15 - 20 feet off the pavement, they would be happy.

Today, I found the answer. The photograph above is an in-situ (in the ground) marker, denoting one side of the Right Of Way. On the opposite side of the roadway is another such marker.
Sometimes a white post - no writing...just a white post - marks the outside limit of the Right Of Way.

I have today's Watermelon Man to thank for that bit of information.

Five miles outside QUINCY, FLORIDA, is this East Gadsden High School. Gadsden is the "County", as far as I could determine.

US 90 East of QUINCY. The High School is at the top and a bit around the bend.

Please note: NO BERM. US 90 is unpredictable regarding the Berm. Sometimes there is a super Berm...then without any apparent reason, the Berm disappears, leaving the White Line partially covered by roadside grass. Go Figure !!!

Oh my gosh: US 90 with a Berm.

The Right Of Way markers are normally right on the tree line. That means NO PARKING along US 90 at all, unless there is a lane into the trees. Makes for difficult searching to find a place for SPIA to park.

A very muddy river flows under US 90. Saw no sign of wild life.

OCHLOCKONEE River. Must be a Native American ( Indian) name.

Another nearby river that is clear as a bell...only the bottom is covered with rotted vegetation, making it look black. The shallow part along the banks is perfectly clear water.

A local Forest - apparently hunting is allowed (man with a gun).

A crew was doing some intersection repair work on US 90 just before entering the West side of TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA.

This Dump Truck carries macadam (asphalt) for that paving machine standing behind it.

Man is still needed for the cleanup work.

These two girls were waving and yelling "come on over" to every passerby. I went.

Please meet the Watermelon Man. He says his two girls do bring in the business. His first week selling watermelon and "boiled" peanuts, netted him $1,750.00. A far cry from the $6.00 earned by my lady/daughter watermelon team of a day or two ago.

Watermelon Man - I purposely did not ask his name - said he gave up his many-year auto tire business because of the recession. The last 3 years he worked for Uncle Sam...i.e, to pay licenses and taxes. Likes selling watermelon with up-front ad-girls much better.

Yes, he gave me samples of watermelon - good but not the best - and boiled peanuts - says it must have a chef's touch to get the timing down just right, otherwise the peanuts do turn mushy. His peanuts were s o f t, but not mushy.

Since I have no "spendable income" remaining, I did not purchase from him. But, we did have a good chat. The girls disappeared into a pickup truck while I was there. From the Watermelon Man, I got the un-uttered message that my walking outfit was chasing away, I walked on.

DAILY REPORT: Walked 2 sessions of 12 miles each = 24 miles.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 24 miles @ $0.02 = $0.48 for the day.

24 miles from QUINCY following US 90, takes me to and beyond the East side of the rather nice city of TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA, home of Florida State University.

So, I drove SPIA to Wal*Mart on the East of town and parked for the night. At least at Wal*Mart, chances are good we won't get tossed out during the night.

In the morning, will leave SPIA at Wal*Mart, and walk the 1/2 block over to US 90, where I will head East. I fold my maps in easily handled packs about 5 x 8 inches. Tomorrow morning, I reach the final fold in my map. Only the Atlantic Ocean is on the next fold.

So, we begin "Southing" tomorrow...KEY WEST, FLORIDA cannot be far away (about 600 miles actually, but that is not really far ... considering.)

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