Friday, July 8, 2011


Please say HELLO to Maryanna, married 63 years to Harry Cooney. After a restful night sleep, we shared a cup of coffee & sweet roll before going our separate ways.

This pair followed Harry all over the yard while we prepared to leave. This is about as close as anyone ever gets, says Harry.

Out front by the Iwo Jima display is this beautiful Century Cactus Plant. Harry says it blooms once every 25 years and he has seen the blooms.

It rained all morning as I walked Florida State Road 100 (I erroneously called it US 100). The rain was constant for many hours, but did not drop nearly the 2.5 inches that fell yesterday afternoon.

For my second walk of the day, I asked for permission to park SPIA at P & J.s Convenience Store, a couple miles out of KEYSTONE, FLORIDA.

During my return walk to P & Js, came upon this home with smoke pouring out from under the roof. I rushed over as a man came out's's OK...I just fired up the BBQ Grill with some green twigs...whole place if full of smoke, but just the BBQ is burning.

We chatted a few minutes...I'm cooking up some chicken for my roommate, who is blind and coming home from the hospital this afternoon. I moved in with him last year because folks were stealing things from him...also put up this fence (pointing), and got him a dog.

Nothings been stolen since I moved in....wanna a cold Coke or Ice Tea...

It was still raining and I had another hour of walking in that rain, so I declined, thanked him and walked on back to SPIA.

During my third and final walk of 12 miles, came across this "Middle School" out in the middle of nowhere. There are several small villages showing on the map and along SR 100, but none I walked through had more than a couple businesses. There was a special Bus entrance, so reckon most students came from some distance away.

Backed by boiling storm clouds is this Communications Tower along SR 100. In general, Florida has good communications coverage both for AT&T (my cell is AT&T) and VERIZON.

Not many homes are visible along SR 100. Solid forest lines most of the road. This exception was located near FLORAHOME, TEXAS.

SR 100 has not a single place for vehicles to pull off the road. Driveways pass too quickly to turn into them - unless you know where they are -, and the grassy Right Of Way has numerous signs NO PARKING ON THE RIGHT OF WAY. I have finally found a wide spot at the entrance of a side road - nearly all of which are unpaved. There are also PRIVATE PROPERTY signs, but I have left SPIA's tush a couple feet short of the PRIVATE PROPERTY sign. Someone DID stop his vehicle in front of SPIA, got out and made a cell phone call...all the while surveying SPIA and our parking position.

Makes one wonder if locals are practicing for the arrival of Aliens.

DAILY UPDATE: Walked three legs today of 6, 10, and 12 miles = 28 miles

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 28 miles @ $0.02 = $0.56 for the day.

Tomorrow, will leave SPIA parked and walk still East on SR 100.Should reach PALAKA, FLORIDA before noon, and be close to the Atlantic Ocean by evening.

Before I write another Blog update, Noah will have reached his final goal of JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA, where a large gathering waits to congratulate him for his 3,000 mile run from SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, raising awareness for BATTEN DISEASE.

Way to go Noah...was an honor to spend the last few days walking / running with you (& Briana).

1 comment:

  1. Best luck on your walk to the sea tomorrow, or this weekend! What an exciting event for you. I am glad you are finding kind people amongst all those strange Florida happenings. Keep on posting, we live your adventure vicariously...
