Sunday, July 10, 2011


One thing to say about TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA Squirrels: They are not if we can just get rid of that red eye.

After a restful - if strange - sleep in a real bed after 6 months, I enjoyed the morning with Karen, Bob and his Mom. We attended their Church which I really did enjoy...light hearted and funny with the usual solemn moments. Having crawled into the Church Of The Nativity, touched the Wailing Wall just under the Golden Dome, walked the entire Way Of The Cross, and stood transfixed at the Alter of the Church Of The Resurrection, puts new meaning into the story of Christ. My Grandfather, who was a Minister, always wanted to go touch the place where Jesus lived. He could not. I did...I did that for my Grandfather.

Did you know that the Church Of The Nativity in BETHLEHEM is only one mile from the Church Of The Resurrection in JERUSALEM? One can almost throw a stone from one to the other.

Later, we all went to lunch (my treat)...BBQ Pulled Pork and Sweet Potato with Ice Tea.

I then got on my walking duds and started out from Karen & Bob's home to US 1, about 1/2 mile away. Along the way, I passed numerous homes like the two above, typical cement block construction.

Reaching US 1 was a moment back in time. The above is a photograph of typical vegetation along US 1...we are definitely in the tropics.

US 1 North of TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA. We will walk this highway, together with Florida Highway A1A all the way to MIAMI, FLORIDA.

Walked North for over 2 hours (about 8 miles) before turning around to walk back.

Thunder boomed. Lightning flashed all 'round. Rain poured it's heart out soaking me thru and thru.

I loved every drop that fell.

Churches down here are still ornate and impressive.

and, TITUSVILLE has it's own Marina. TITUSVILLE is NOT on the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean Beaches are another 12 miles East. The waterway next to TITUSVILLE is the Inland Waterway, which a boat can navigate all the way from NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, to and across the heart of Florida (using canals and lakes), and up the East Coast of the United States all the way to NEW YORK. (There are a few instances where a boat must venture a bit into the Atlantic Ocean along the way).

This photograph broke my heart.

Please say HELLO to the spitt'n image of my recent love, "JOURNEY", my 38 foot Sloop, which I single handed for over 9 years before she was sold last year.

This is a Falcon. I chatted with it for at least 2 minutes. Took this photograph and started to get closer when it took off, flew over the City Park Lake, dived to water level and just like an American Bald Eagle, dipped its claws into the water to skim along for at least 50 feet before coming up with a fish. It then flew directly back to me, made a tight circle above my held firmly in its claws, circled once again and flew off beyond large trees where I could no longer see it.

The fountain in the middle ground is in the City Park Lake from which the Falcon took the fish.

This is a girl. She, tattoo on her left breast, is shooting pool. Dropped in the only open business in TITUSVILLE on this Sunday afternoon...a tavern on US 1 in the middle of town. I include this pic because it is emblematic of the moment I knew my relationship with (no names, please) was ended...she came home flaunting a nearly identical tattoo.

This fellow was sitting on the same wire as the Falcon. The Falcon did its thing...this guy, just like me...just watched the show. When I walked on, this fellow was still perched up there.

DAILY REPORT: Walked 16 miles this afternoon.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 16 miles @ $0.02 = $0.32 for the day.

In the morning, Bob gets up at 4 am, has a quick bite, and drives the short distance over to Cape Canaveral, where he works. I will rise with him and when he leaves, I will again walk the 1/2 mile to US 1; but, this time I will walk South towards COCOA BEACH, FLORIDA. I plan to walk a minimum of 25 miles before returning to Karen's.

During the next couple days, I plan to drive SPIA North on US 1, to complete walking the 60 or so miles from BUNNELL, FLORIDA. Then, will say goodbye to Karen and Bob and again walk South towards KEY WEST.

I have been invited to stop in COCOA BEACH, FLORIDA to visit Michael Cooney - the Son of Harry Cooney - I look forward to the visit, as COCOA BEACH is next to Cape Canaveral and Patrick Air Force Base, where I worked and lived some 50 years ago.

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