Tuesday, July 19, 2011


WAL-MART was kind to us last night...no disturbances. Was up 1 hour before dawn, fixed my usual oatmeal, checked e-mail, and was out the door at the crack of dawn, leaving SPIA parked at WAL-MART.

Five hours later, I returned to SPIA, having walked South on US 1 and return. US 1 is a non-event as far as interesting things to see and photograph. A very long strip mall with a few large malls thrown in.

As I mentioned, the sinking of the Spanish Treasure Fleet in 1715 (or so) in a hurricane, has made this coast a true "Treasure Coast". Many businesses use the term"Treasure Coast" in their name.

It took one hour for the tenderness from the K-Mart shoes to wear off...but wear off it did. The hip kept nagging for a couple hours longer, but none of it affected my walking. Stopped in at Sports Authority and purchased a new pair of socks -"Thro..." something or other -, which help considerably to cushion my feet. Will buy another pair when I find another Sports Authority.

A lousy photograph of a small mall.

A rather large bridge appeared on US 1. No sign to indicate what it was for, but a passing motorist said it was over the St. Lucie River...did not know such a large river was in this part of Florida. Perhaps it comes out of one of the many inland lakes.

Condos lined the river shore...only feet from the water. Beginning to think Floridians might just be pushing their luck to teasing the Ocean with their homes / Condos built right on waters edge...especially since ALL of Florida is sand...there is nothing to secure all these buildings if the water decides to come ashore in big waves...undercutting the buildings would be most certain.

The South shore of St. Lucie River.

On the South side of the bridge is this delightful park.

Could not but notice the large number of businesses along US 1 marketing Mattresses. Walked past at least 15 such during my morning 16-mile walk.

About noon, moved SPIA from the FORT PIERCE WAL-MART to the next WAL-MART down US 1 about 20 miles. Went inside to find where to park for the night...only to be informed that Overnight Parking was prohibited...you would not ask if you had read all the signs...the lady said in a huffy tone. I pivoted and walked out, looking for "NO OVERNIGHT PARKING" signs. I finally found a small sign - about 6 inches square - stating where illegally parked vehicles would be towed...nothing about NO OVERNIGHT PARKING. Find that many folks having received a little authority, try to Lord it over others...a quick sign of a introvert with little self-confidence.

Left SPIA parked anyway, and walked South on US 1 for another 2-1/2 hours. During my walk, came across a TOYOTA Dearlership. Went inside and asked if I could park overnight in their lot. Four consecutive employees told me "YES"...the last one showing me were to park SPIA. As I was about to continue my walk, the fourth fellow came running after me...Sir, Sir...the General Manager just said you could NOT park Overnight.

So, the parking saga continues...no overnight parking on US 1 either

Walked back to SPIA; took out the Florida State Campground pamphlet and began to study it.
Another 10 miles South was the Johnathan Dickinson State Park. I telephoned the park. A young lady answered...Yes, we have RV overnight parking...Yes, we are right on US 1...Yes, plenty of spaces open for tonight.

Drove SPIA directly to the Park. SPIA sits in a secluded Spot # 95, only 200 feet from showers. For tonight, we have electricity for the air conditioner and the mini-computer.

Discussed additional overnight parking options with the Ranger, a pretty young lady, Christina, from Columbia, South America, now living in the USA. We identified a half dozen, with telephone numbers. I must contact each one to reserve space as we continue walking through MIAMI and to KEY WEST. My most anxious concern is dwindling $$. Upon reaching KEY WEST - if we must pay for every night - we will have NO funds left.

There is NO overnight parking in KEY WEST itself...only about 30 miles before KEY WEST, there appears to be a civilian RV Park. I must contact them immediately to be certain we have a spot

I have enjoyed visions of having SAM & ME walk together the last few miles into KEY WEST.
Looks now we will be fortunate to walk the final miles at all...being the positive sort, I will, however, find a solution.

We WILL walk into KEY WEST...and back out again.

A typical Camping Space at tonight's Campground.

and, another rather picturesque one.

A look at the toilet & shower building.

and, finally, SPIA tucked into her overnight parking spot...Camping Spot # 95.

DAILY REPORT: Walked two legs: 16 and 10 miles...

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 26 miles @ $0.02 = $0.52 for the day.

In the morning, will drive SPIA the 4.5 miles from Space # 95 back to US 1...Space # 95 is next to the Indian River...too overgrown to see the water. Will park SPIA in the Ranger's parking lot; then walk BACK 10 miles we drove this afternoon to get to the State Park. Later, will walk again...this time South on US 1.

SR A1A is nearby. In the next day or so, will try to shift over to A1A during the daytime...then move on to our next overnight parking...if we can find one.

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