Sunday, July 24, 2011


Just as anticipated, arrival at KEY WEST, FLORIDA was at best, anticlimactic. Not that we were not received well...we were by those who answered my knock on their door.

The KEY WEST Yacht Club received us with open arms as fellow "Yachties", opening their hearts and Clubhouse facilities to SPIA, SAM & ME. We cannot thank you enough, Paul, Angel, Bob and the entire staff.

The VFW likewise accepted our arrival as comrades from fighting in one foreign war or another. I was treated as member with enthusiasm and candor. I even joined the KEY WEST VFW Club.
Thank you Tim, Marty, and all those who welcomed us.

A number of folks driving and walking stopped SAM & ME to chat. At least three times someone contacted the local Media...when the media finally did show up, SAM & I were summarily ignored in favor of video and interview of folks attending the festival in progress during our, NO media references at all for completing our walk.

It has become quite clear that we have, for the most part, been passed over by the media..and indeed by others. I have determined this is because I refused to embrace a "cause"; such as The National Cancer Society, The Arthritis Foundation, The Heart Society, or one of many such programs advertising to help of those afflicted.

Matter of fact,I could not bring myself to ask donations to such "causes" because after researching many available, I was blown away by the information that nearly ALL of these "causes" skim off more than half of the $$ donations received, leaving precious little to reach those in need.

Indeed, I lost two Brothers, my Wife, my Mother, and Grandmother all to Cancer. I would in a heartbeat support Cancer...but not when so many $$ are siphoned off.

I will shortly announce a "cause" ...perhaps more than one cause...about which I feel strongly.

In the meantime, we will continue walking tomorrow morning to OKLAHOMA CITY, to complete last year's "failure".

It has been rewarding to create a digital trip around America...sharing with others not so fortunate as this old man.

We will continue to do so...with or without the media. which event, it may take us a bit longer.

SPIA, SAM & ME might be remembered as having walked by.

We will begin our walk from just North of FORT LAUDERDALE.

We would prefer to begin at KEY WEST, but Florida restrictions on overnight parking precludes that.

1 comment:

  1. Bruce,
    From the Pacific NW, I'm glad you made it.
    As one who has spent a lifetime in Media, Let me say a word about what seems to be your concern and disapointment about coverage of your trip.
    To be blunt, Bruce, What you did isn't news. Nor is it of local interest. From your perspective, you've done a long and tiring walk. From Local News' perspective,
    it wasn't "Local". News is only important IF it affects the viewer/reader directly. You make a big mistake thinking that "An Unknown from the NW" will attract the public. An "Oddity" perhaps, but only as long as there's nothing more to talk about. Do your walk, forget about being "Noticed". Only those who know you will notice. On the other hand, IF you DO want attention, then you must do something bizarre and out of the ordinary in order to get Local News coverage. You could always go Nude.. LOL
    Even being a rep for a charity or service will be of Local interest Only. Being one,I can say, Old Men don't attract attention doing much of anything. Enjoy the thar you're doing what you want to do. Forget making any memorable dent in the world. I'll only break your heart.
    Ralph Ahseln..Camas WA
