Driving home in the dark, these two geese ran out in front of Harry's car...Look out Harry...They know the rules...stay out from in front of the car or get run over.
A no nonsense man is Harry.

Drove out 10 miles and parked SPIA. Walked back 5 miles...returned to SPIA...and walked North - forward - another 5 miles and back again = 20 miles walked.
Then drove SPIA North 20 miles and parked again in the local Supermarket of JASPER, FLORIDA.. Repeated the 5 miles back and return to SPIA. Had a bite to eat, bought a watermelon and some ice for our new Ice Chest - the foam ones leaked after 12 hours, nearly ruining SPIA's cushions before I noticed the leaking.
Then walked another 5 miles North and returned to SPIA just before dark.
During our second walk of the day, crossed the SWANEE RIVER (Way Down Upon The Swanee River, etc.....). The river was nearly DRY.

I was told that at the River's birth from the OKEECHOBEE SWAMP, there is NO water flowing. Folks can walk for quite way in the river bottom before encountering water.
There have been a sporadic thunder storms passing through Florida during my walk, but they last only a few minutes, dump large quantity of water, which immediately runs off or soaks into the parched sandy soil.
The entire South of the USA is in big doo doo over lack of water...all the way from the San Joaquin Valley in California to the Atlantic Shores.

His real task is to monitor movement of "goods" in and out of Florida, as well as keep an eye on general activities for five different Government Agencies.

If he suspects a problem, he has his supercharged Cruiser to chase 'em down.

DAILY UPDATE: Walked 40 miles today. Feet are a bit sore, but no injury and ready for tomorrow. We will walk in the State of Georgia early tomorrow morning. Should reach VALDOSTA, GEORGIA by nightfall.
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