Sunday, August 7, 2011


Since crossing into Alabama, we also crossed into the Central Time Zone. We will see more sunrises as we walk farther West.

We have also entered the Southern End of the Allegheny Mountain Range...which means our "flat" walking is over until we reach the Prairie again in a month or so. The above photograph was at a very unusual moment...fortunate to catch it. How 'bout: "SUN and FOG" ?

This was Home for SPIA last night and most of today. We walked two legs of 10 miles each with SPIA remaining parked at this Chevron Convenience Store. As we drove out onto US 84, it began blowing hard with thunderheads all round us. It rained all afternoon, ending any more walking. We did reach the village of DALESVILLE, ALABAMA, about 18 miles West or DOTHAN.

We were fortunate to find the local VFW - Veterans Of Foreign Wars - which I joined in KEY WEST, FLORIDA last month. My membership documents have not caught up with me, but the local Quartermaster (controls who gets in, etc.) allowed SPIA to park overnight. Karaoke is on the menu for this one time I had a rather good voice...we shall see.

The end of the trail for this busted wagon.

A Golf Driving Range...sitting all alone beside US 84. Later, discovered a major Golf Course nearby.

We are back in Armadillo Land. Many of these creatures are again victim of road-side kill.
One lady told me the reason so many are hit is that when surprised, they do not run...THEY JUMP STRAIGHT UP AND DOWN.

Some creeks of significant size are finally showing up. This one is flowing quite slowly. No sign of critter activity.

Nice that businesses recognize the importance of their clients.

Not so many properties For Sale in this part of Alabama...exception above.

US 84 is known as the Wiregrass Highway. The Wiregrass Shriners have their Regional Club alongside US 84 near the town of DALESVILLE, ALABAMA.

A most unusual "Club House" for my vision of the Shriners.

One of the Shriners Symbols.

My family was active in the Masons, with Dad reaching 32nd Degree...he lost his Company - much as I recently have -, and could not continue...he always had hopes to be elected into the Shriners.

Mother progressed through the Chairs of The Eastern Star - ladies side of Masons.

I also progressed through the Chairs of The De Molay - young men Masons

My SAM was a Rainbow Girl - young lady Masons

Wall In The Lake. A most artful use of stone and water, resembling a Moat and Castle Wall...but with openings to let folks in. From above must look to be a maze.

In fact, this is the entrance to a major Golf Course- I thought I would remember for whom, but I simply cannot -.

The only Fairway visible from US 84.

US 84 looking West. Those hills are steeper than than appear. The distant curve is about two miles away.

Another moving stream of water...Still no critters.

And now, for some local Homes...

Southern Gentleman's Home, for certain.
This one complete with Barn and private Lake in front.

The rain has finally is now 4:45 pm local time in DALESVILLE, ALABAMA.

Look forward to joining the VFW folks for a bit...perhaps a beer or two, a bit of Karaoke, then some sleep.

Before I forget: Many years ago - in the mid 1970s - after I quit smoking my 3 packs of cigarettes a day and took up Marathon Running, it took a full three years for the nicotine to stop staining my T-shirts a dirty smelly yellow brown. Today, my lungs are totally clear.

Reason I mention this is that after walking the past two days, my perspiration has the overpowering odor of the Ant Poison I used a couple months ago. My fall last week may well have been partially caused from the Poison together with a wee bit of Heat Exhaustion.

I will keep a close "nose" to this condition. Actually, I seem to feel a bit better...perhaps I did NOT receive a concussion after all - sure hope not.

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