Thursday, August 11, 2011


Was a bit late getting started this morning. Overnight parking at WALMART was, as always, without excitement.

Left SPIA parked while I walked West on US 84 through ANDALUSIA, ALABAMA and out into the total of 14 miles. Returning to SPIA, drove out into the countryside, parked and walked another six miles. I would have walked farther, but after the third drive by / offer from an exceptionally beautiful lady, I accepted her towel to wipe away my profuse perspiration and her ride back to SPIA, cutting my miles walked in half.

After a short, but stimulating conversation, she drove off with a promise to keep an eye out for me over the next 100 miles or so.

Much of US 84 has been divided 4-lane highway.

In ANDALUSIA, ALABAMA, the intersections were as in any smallish city. As I walked only on US 84, I don't know if other streets offered more, but US 84 was a continuous strip mall of over 3 miles before reducing down to a 2-land roadway -without berm - in the countryside.

A new business - Undertaking - is getting in on the architectural challenge - along with Churches and Banks.

Was offered to overnight park in the Winn Dixie lot, but opted for WALMART.

A home on the West edge of ANDALUSIA, just off US 84.

A local Bank.

After driving on the narrow countryside US 84 for many miles, finally came upon this deserted business. Parked SPIA here for our second walk of the day.

US 84 in it's countryside setting.

Many Cotton Fields...some with cotton beginning to show. This field surrounds the Ranch House.

Click Click, please. This is a very large (about Monarch size) pure YELLOW Butterfly attached to the front of my jacket. As I walked along US 84, this bright yellow Butterfly flew along beside me, circling me at least 10 times. I finally stopped and it immediately landed where you see it...on the front zipper of my jacket. I chatted with it for at least a just stared at me.

I started walking again, but it stayed put. I again stopped, still talking to it...took out my camera, putting the lens about 4 inches from it's head and took a few pictures. It just sat there looking at me.

To tell the truth, the Butterfly seemed to know me...or trying to tell me something...a creepy feeling, but quite exciting, too.

I continued walking. It finally flew off my jacket and for at least 5 minutes, flew alongside me.

This is a slow flowing river ...photograph taken from the US 84 Bridge.

This man was in the water, holding a large pan. He repeatedly ducked to the bottom, staying down a minute or two. When he came up, the bottom of his pan was partially filled with something...something to small for me to see from the bridge.

The man was searching the contents...then, he picked up something, put it in his mouth, chewed and swallowed. I wanted to call down to him to ask what he was eating...but was so fascinated, I just watched for over 2 or 3 minutes. He never looked up at me. I walked on...

...returning about a half hour later. He was still busy with his pan, but what startled me was that I had failed to see the lady in the pink swim suit sitting a few feet away from him. I quickly took another picture. I walked - purposely - back across the bridge and returned, trying to get their attention, but neither looked up at me. I said nothing.

Finally, I walk on, back to SPIA.

Have found a nice spot for SPIA for the night about 100 feet down a side road...still visible from US 84.

Tomorrow morning, will again hobble West on US 84 heading for the town of EVERGREEN, which I calculate to be about 5 miles away.

No need to rush for the next week. My new eyeglasses will be ready to pick up from the WALMART store in LAUREL, MISSISSIPPI, about 150 miles to the West. Averaging about 20 miles a day should be about right to arrive in LAUREL on time.

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