Sunday, August 14, 2011


Another quiet uneventful night in EVERGREEN, ALABAMA.

As promised, I did NOT walk this fact, I did not even leave SPIA until 2:00 pm, when I had a bite at the Chinese Buffet.

All morning, I soaked my ankle in ice water and wrapped it in Ace Bandages. After eating, it was again an oven inside SPIA. Decided to drive out into the country to find a shady spot to park. Did so, parking in the crossroads village (one store) of BELLEVILLE, ALABAMA.

It was still very hot inside, but temperate outside, so decided to see how the ankle was doing by taking a short stroll West on US 84. Returned after 5 comment !

Drove another 7 miles to the larger village of REPTON, ALABAMA, a town with lots of buildings, but only one store operational...and it was closed. Took another 2 mile stroll around town taking photographs and chatting with residents.

REPTON, ALABAMA billboard of activities.

One of about 10 such unoccupied buildings on Main Street.

The Trading Post...but closed for the day. Today is Sunday and this is the Southern Baptist South. Not even the dogs were out an about.

REPTON Civic Center...was also closed.


A quiet residential street. There are about a dozen such streets...all neat and cleaned with nice homes.

REPTON School.

A twin Sister to SPIA. Is a newer model, but need some TLC.

SPIA is parked overnight in an abandoned Truck Stop.

In the morning, we shall see about sitting another day or chancing a bit of walking.

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