Saturday, September 3, 2011



The fix on the left side of SPIAs camper is complete. All seams are back-filled with silicon and taped with aluminum tape. Water should not be a concern any more.

Inspecting the right side shows signs of a similar failure to be imminent. I have enough materials to do a pre-failure fix there too, but today I am simply too tired. I have taped all seams on the right hand side, to stop any further water entering the structure.

Tropical Storm clouds are already gathered overhead. The high winds and drenching rains are predicted to begin soon...this afternoon.

Have decided to catch a few winks. If it has not yet started to blow and pour by the time I wake up, may go ahead with the fix to the right-hand side.

In any event, have decided to NOT try to walk today. Will camp out at WALMART - or LOWES- and start walking North in the morning.

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