Thursday, September 8, 2011


This morning, got a very early start...the Sun had risen, but not by much. Decided to leave SPIA parked at the Convenience Store while I walked back into town - CLARKSVILLE, TEXAS, and take the newly refurbished US 82 through the center of town and on West where it meets the US 82 Bypass - or The Loop - as locals call the by pass.

Being a very old town (1833), CLARKSVILLE has some nice old-time touches, such as the above Street Light.

and a few classic touches - mostly hidden away from the casual passer-by.

A park foot bridge crosses a waterless river.

Crossed over nearly a dozen streams...not a drop of water to be found.

The vastness of Texas is again upon us.

Was talking to a young man in a local Western Clothing Store about the West Texas water problem. Yes, he told family is from West Texas...altogether we own 31 Sections (31 square miles) of Cotton Fields...not a single cotton plant this year. Some ranches near ours have not seen any rain since May 2010.

The young man declared that the Government Support $$ of Texas agriculture is one of the few things Texans agree with - meaning the US Government -.

Tried to take photographs of this rancher at work. He saw me walking US 82 and stopped his tractor, shutting off the motor. He just wanted to chat. We did for five minutes or so.

He too, is hoping for rain.

Another of the many waterless creeksw.

Not all ranch homes are sumptuous.

The traveling Ivy is keeping up with me.

I am near mid-Texas only 15 miles from the Oklahoma border. Will soon find out if the ivy has also invaded Oklahoma.

RENO, TEXAS is a suburb of the city of PARIS...a quite unusual shape for a water tower.

During my second walk, I walked back to the East on US 82 through PARIS and RENO...then out into the open expanse of North East Texas for 12 miles.

The daytime temperature has fallen into the low 90s; night time temperatures are downright cold since Tropical Storm LEE went through. Makes for pleasant walking. Did another 32 miles today. Am a bit tired...must re build my stamina from all the recent weeks of marginal performance. At least, I have no injuries remaining and am not sore even after nearly 9 hours of walking each of the past two days.

SPIA is parked in PARIS' WALMART bordering US 82. In the morning, I will leave SPIA parked and walk to the intersection of US 271 which goes North to the Oklahoma border only 15 miles away.

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