Saturday, September 10, 2011


Was up long before dawn, stepping out of SPIA, dressed for was still pitch dark.

Decided I would walk the three blocks across the railroad tracks to downtown HUGO, OKLAHOMA, HUGO is a rather large town; about 6 square blocks large.

The Sun had still not risen when I walked into the old streets.

A real relic of a Railroad Steam Engine. Could find no plaque or history.

Early Saturday morning, the wide streets were empty.

So were most of the shops...I mean really empty, like out of business, closed up.

Decor suggests there was real money at one time in HUGO.

Did not even come across a shopping mall.

From two blocks away I spotted this elegant building...Aha, the Court House.

Walked up to it...Nope...just another Church watching over a town having long since let it's luster escape.

Contrasting, is one of many once elegant buildings only a stone throw from the Church.

Along US 70, I did find a few nice homes.

This one has an award...YARD OF THE MONTH as selected by the Iris Garden Club.

A mile West of down town on US 70 begin the Stock Yards. Before they are seen, they are first heard - hundreds of bawling cattle - and smelled...just like the feed lots back in Washington State.

A few months ago, I shared on this Blog, my visit to a cattle Auction. After an animal is sold, it receives a yellow tag with a number. The tag is stuck onto it's hind quarters. A single "buyer" may purchase a large number of individual cows during an auction. After the auction, all his purchases are herded into a single holding pen, awaiting shipment.

This is a long haul cattle truck leaving the HUGO Stock Yard for a destination...perhaps as far away at Florida...or perhaps Wyoming.

I took a few minutes to speak with the driver of this long haul cattle truck which was being loaded. It has two "decks", with cattle being carried "upstairs" and on the main floor.

The driver told me many cattle purchased in Texas and lower Oklahoma have been sold because the previous owners have no grass in the fields for the cattle to eat, and have no $$ to purchase feed or hay from distant places. He said Kansas is a major destination at the moment as Kansas does have grazing fields for cattle. They are grazed until Winter sets in, when the cattle are moved into "feed lots" to fatten them up to about 1,000 pounds each, at which time they are taken to the slaughter houses.

I would have some difficulty with his job.

This is a short haul trailer, used by the local Ranchers to bring their cattle to the Stock Yards for auction.

A bit farther West on US 70 from HUGO, is this Onion Receiving Plant.

A 50# bag of Onions for $20.00 . "Sweet" Onion would be the Walla Walla or Vadalia, which are so tasty they can be - and often are - eaten like an apple.

Walking near PARIS, TEXAS...and again near HUGO, OKLAHOMA, I have seen at least 30 billboards identical to those pictured above. Are we to assume that advertising budgets are being cut, or perhaps this is a new Company with lots of "inventory" to move.

Was going to walk to Antlers today, but changed my route from US 271 to US 70.

US 271 is about 30 miles shorter than US 70, but US 271 goes through "back country" where I fear there will be no VERIZON or AT&T signals. US 70 is a major secondary highway, which should have signal coverage we need to publish our Blog.

This photograph gives me the "willies".

The doll was lying next to the Eastbound lane of US 70, as pictured above.

I am almost positive that this exact doll is pictured many months ago in this very Blog...back in California, I believe, lying is the exact same position....

I am not taking the time to look it up, but it would be interesting to know for certain.

Many ranches along US 70 have their own small ponds...most nearly dried up.

When I later drove SPIA past this pond, there was a herd of cattle drinking from it...quite a few were actually wading around out in the middle trying to keep cool.

It is cool and comfy until about 10:00 am local...then shoots back up to near 100 degrees for the rest of the day.

This is US 70 as it goes through the main street of the village of BOSWELL, OKLAHOMA.

SPIA is parked one block to the right in a Church overflow parking lot. Being tomorrow is Sunday, we will leave early and drive to the next town of BOKCHITO, OKLAHOMA.

This morning, after touring downtown HUGO, I walked for 5.5 hours (about 20 miles). This afternoon, after parking in BOSWELL, I walked another 4 hours (about 14 miles).

This is CHOCTAW County, named after the Indian Nation, Choctaw, which is still very active and evident wherever you look. The overpass in the above photograph is the CHOCTAW Indian Turnpike...costs $1.75 for a car...$6.00 for an 18-wheeler to drive it.

The Choctaw Indian Nation Tribal Services Center near HUGO.

Choctaw County even has its own Water Tower.

This is a Root Cellar. Let's hope they do not again become a mainstay of the household as when I was a kid on the Stump Ranch. Before refrigerators, vegetables were "wintered over" in Root underground room where the damp cold earth keeps the veggies more or less fresh.

A little 1930s ditty:

Climb In My Rain Barrel (we used to catch drinking water off the roof in a Rain Barrel)
Slide Down My Cellar Door (meaning the Root Cellar Door)
And We'll Be Jolly Friends
For Ever More.

Walked today without any pain ...all in spite of the body slams I received yesterday...Panasonic still works just fine...witness the above photographs.

Tomorrow we walk West on US 70 toward DURANT, OKLAHOMA.

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