Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Holiday Seasons are just around the corner.

US 270 looking West from WATONGA, OKLAHOMA.

We are nearing our destination...WOODWARD, OKLAHOMA: 73 miles.

The largest herd of cattle so far.

Another Bridge of Death...Yes, I had to climb onto the steel railing when two trucks crossed together...there was simply NO room for me, except up off the roadway.

The River below the bridge is totally dry.

Storm Clouds chased me all during my 5 hour walk from WATONGA.

This is how rain looks as it falls from the storm cloud. The wind was blowing so hard, it caused the falling rain to fall in a "curve". This storm cell just missed me. The one behind it caught me just as I returned to a few drops only.

Drove SPIA to the next town of OAKWOOD, OKLAHOMA where she parked while I walked. The OAKWOOD Water Tower loomed over her - the name is on the opposite side.

US 270 looking North from OAKWOOD, OKLAHOMA. We are quite high up on a wide some places, one can see for at least 50 miles.

Returning from my second walk, stopped in at the local "FOOD & BEER" (sorry, no pic) where a discussion ensued with "Okie". Every place in America I mentioned, he knew where it was and had visited it...most of these locals are truck drivers.

The "no name" Barmaid, a friend of Okie.

A recently harvested field of grain...nice job !

SIELING, OKLAHOMA, our destination for the day. SPIA is parked at a Truck Stop. I walked another 10 miles before taking in real dinner in a real restaurant...primarily because they allowed me to us their not need a repeat of the drama of last night.

US 270 as it enters SIELING...looking to the North.

Streets of SIELING are already being decorated for the Holidays.

Nicely done...

Main Street...a.k.a. US 270 North.

and US 270 South...

The Town Gazebo.

and, a magnificant Wall Mural of SIELING as it was in 1908. The original photograph is directly above my dinner table in the Restaurant as I type .

This is a Monster Truck carrying the 100 ft lower section of one of the new Wind Mill Power Generators. Two more sections make up the complete tower. Each of the three (3) propeller blades is 70 feet long. (See prior Blogs for more details).

A close up of the connection points (3 at each end of the tower section).

The tower section is trucked down the highway supported ONLY by these connectors.

The same unit, looking at the Truck and primary travel trucks...note the cantilevered section, which is repeated at the tail end of the unit (see first pic above).

A Panorama look at the entire rig. It measures over 200 feet long by 10 feet wide.

That complete the photographs for today. Tomorrow, we will arrive in WOODWARD, OKLAHOMA, our final destination. WOODWARD is 34 miles from SIELING, OKLAHOMA.

Dinner has been excellent. VERIZON service has been without interruption - so far.

I need a good night sleep as I was cheated out of my rest last night.

Enjoy & nite nite.

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